What You Should Do When You Get Here

What is social media?  This is a question that I am asked to address in too many of my presentations.  It's a question that makes me want to stick a fork in my ear.  Maybe the reason is that you can easily learn the basics of this topic and any other by jumping on the […]

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Ten – A Big Day for Writing and Marketing

Over the last several months I have been coaching my son for his college entrance exams, packing up the "family truckster" to visit colleges, and generally learning a lot about the top business schools across the United States. If you have been through this process you can relate to my enthusiasm.  Like so many other […]

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Finding the Next Middle – Day 5 of My Book Project

When you are writing a book, one of your greatest challenges is not just writing something that is relevant now, but writing for a period of time in the future.  The tricky part is you don't necessarily want to create the future, you just want to be ready for it when it arrives.  A publisher […]

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Book Writing Project Day 2 – How to Be Different

Research is not a part of the writing process that I particularly enjoy, but it is absolutely necessary.  You have to do it, do it well, and do most of it before you get started.  I'm realizing I may only have done an average effort with it, and as a result, I have lost a […]

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How to Score at Trade Shows and Conferences Using New Media

Trade shows and conferences are time-honored business events that are presently experiencing significant challenges.  In this tight economy, attendance at many events is down, and some are questioning whether we should reinvent the format, or even if we should have them at all.   The forces of social media are influencing how adults want to […]

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Sales and Marketing Leadership: Exploit the Gap

It is human nature to work hard to improve.  The challenge may determining where to apply your efforts.  If you focus on your most important actions, you will make progress. However, every entrepreneurial marketer knows the juicy opportunities, the ones that nobody is presently serving, lie within the gaps between the worn out ruts of […]

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Digging Into Customer Behavior to Build Market Relevance

Going back more years than I care to admit to, when I was studying for my MBA, I began a fascination with how and why people buy. In college I learned the foundation of market behavior, but I later learned to always trust my gut, which is backed by invaluable observations and analysis from real, […]

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Remember Full Service? DING, DING!

  Last weekend I took a road trip with my son Zak to visit some prospective colleges.  Our first stop was The Ohio State University, located in Columbus, Ohio, where I grew up.  The rest of the family was puzzled by the the name, which is “THE” Ohio State University, as opposed to just being […]

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A Presidential Lesson In Value Marketing

In accepting the apology yesterday of the congressman that called him a liar, President Obama added that most Americans want to see a more civil political discourse.  Obama said, “The media can always be helpful by not giving all the attention to the loudest or shrillest voices — and try to stay a little bit […]

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How to Sell in a Web 2.0 Economy

Yesterday I spoke at the 2009 Snow and Ice Management Symposium – The Four Greatest Days of Snow.  Sometimes you are with a group of people and the collaborative energy is undeniable; this was one of those experiences.   The snow business has changed dramatically since this organization was formed over ten years ago.  Professionalism is […]

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