How Google is Like A Third Grader

You can dedicate yourself to learning the complexities of search optimization – though, you may discover that it can easily become a full-time job. For those of you that already have a full-time job, or a business to run, a better option is to learn the basics and apply some logic to achieving practical results. […]

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Google Search Plus – A New Game Changer

As Google continues to roll out their new Search, Plus Your World capabilities, there is already growing concern that they are compromising search results. Who are the most vocal objectors?  Naturally, their competitors – Facebook and Twitter. Google used to have an arrangement with Twitter to index their streaming firehose of real-time data, one which Twitter […]

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Start from the Beginning – With Content

Any problem is best resolved by starting from the beginning to get the basic essentials right. If you have watched the classic film The Wizard of Oz as many times as I have, you know that Glinda, the good witch of the North, shares uncommon wisdom. When asked by Dorothy where to start her journey, […]

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Are Competitors Your New Business Partners?

One of the trends in business today is reframing your perspective to open more doors and maximize your growth opportunities. In that regard, consider who knows nearly as much about your business as you do? And who knows as much (or more) about your industry and markets as you do? You can identify these organizations […]

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2012 Social Media Predictions for Mainstream Small Business

The maturation of the social networking channels may well prove to be the tipping point for attracting a majority of mainstream small businesses who have yet to jump into this pond. One can understand the reluctance, especially as the noise level on the social networks continues to approach the breaking point. #1 – The Quality […]

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The Best of Jeff Korhan 2011

2011 proved to be a positive year for small business marketers – one in which social media and other forms of online marketing moved further into the mainstream. Smart business marketers have begun to realize that social is not just a layer to add to their marketing, but an essential component that has to be […]

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Small Business Insights from Outsiders

While it is essential to practice ongoing education to stay current with trends, technologies, and best practices – it is much easier to acquire that same knowledge through networking. In fact, networking is nearly always the top reason given for attending industry conferences and expos. The conversations in the halls after an educational session – […]

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In Content We Trust

Consumers have always sought information to help them make better buying decisions. Prior to social media, content was distributed via traditional media outlets – radio, television, and newspapers. According to a recent study by Pew Research Center, Internet search is the leading source of information for consumers making decisions with respect to local businesses. Surprisingly, […]

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Facebook Timeline is Your People Magazine

Facebook Timeline is much more than an improved interface for enhancing the user experience. The magazine style format of Facebook Timeline promises to change how Facebook is used – by creating greater awareness that every user is indeed an online publisher. When one assumes the role of a publisher, as opposed to that of a […]

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Can You Really Help Your Customer?

Whenever someone asks if you can help them, there is only one thing they are considering. Do you really have the necessary direct experience to first understand their situation – and then the acquired knowledge for applying a viable solution. People and Google LIKE Direct Experience People like direct experience. This is why they are […]

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