3 Reasons to Start Writing

Writing is an activity that helps you discover new ideas, recall those you have since dismissed, and share all of them with your audience. In many ways, writing is like a meditation – it’s a focusing technique that clears the way to bring forward the best that you have to offer. If you happen to […]

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Are You a Brand or a Business?

Social media enables brands and businesses to extend their marketing reach, thereby achieving new opportunities for interaction with followers, fans, prospects, and customers. The challenge is converting that activity into new business. This is accomplished by distinguishing the brand from the business – understanding how the dynamic of reach and interaction, and how they work […]

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Google Currents and the Mobile Trend

This week Google launched Google Currents – a well-designed application that takes mobile to another level by bringing all of your digital magazines together into a friendly interface. As a business, your digital magazine is your blog – and Google Currents is designed to help you distribute that expertise to your target audience via their mobile device. […]

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Customer Experience Defines Your Brand

Every entrepreneurial venture starts with a vision. That vision is an intention – one that guides the early course of the business. It’s one that shapes business practices to build customer loyalty and sustain growth. Eventually, there comes a time when customers have a vision that defines your brand – one that is largely determined […]

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Humanize Email Marketing for Results

If you expect to get your marketing emails opened and read, you need to consistently deliver useful information, while also respecting the cardinal rule of content marketing – quickly and clearly make your point. That’s just the beginning. Having accomplished that, you then have to get your prospects and customers to take action – such […]

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Why Marketers are Now In the Answers Business

Google’s vision for search business is simple:  One has a thought and instantly gets an answer that is 100% relevant. This means you as a marketer are in the answers business. If you want to grow your business by extending its reach online, you have to get serious about providing answers that are most requested […]

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A Little Blogging Secret

A belief that many small businesses share is that delivering exceptional work will naturally attract everything necessary to support their business. This is also one of the secrets of blogging – stay in the game, strive to create valuable, innovative and inspiring content, and everything else will fall into place. Hardly a day goes by […]

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Say Goodbye to Little White Marketing Lies

At an early age, many of us were taught the distinction between a lie and a white lie, with the latter being a socially acceptable lie – one that serves a benevolent purpose. In fact, for years bending the truth a bit has been an acceptable marketing practice . Remember the film Forrest Gump? Even […]

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Picture the Intangible to Build It

It is impossible to create anything that you have not clearly imagined. How does your imagination work?  Do you have a process that enhances your effectiveness for achieving pragmatic results? I was interested to learn that the creative genius of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was his gift for visualizing technology, something he learned from his father. […]

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