Blekko Search Slashes Out the Best Content

Have you searched the web for too long already and still cannot find what you are looking for? If so, upstart search engine Blekko may do the trick.  Blekko uses slashtags to get the job done.  These are tags that eliminate spammy results to bring you the most relevant content. There Are Lots of Search Engines […]

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Creativity is Just Connecting Things

The title of this article is a quote by Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Is it a valid statement? Here’s a personal example that will help you to decide for yourself. First Start with Awareness Too often we think of creativity as a complicated process that only works when the stars align – when everything is […]

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Klout is Influence

In the early days of modern civilization (before the Internet) – there was an expression that it’s not what you know but who you know. Back then, information, power, and therefore influence, were localized. If you were in-the-know, you had influence.  And that influence could be wielded to accomplish objectives. Information is now readily available […]

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Planely Enhances Productivity for Business Travel and Events

Planely is the social app I would have created years ago if I had the technical capabilities to do so.  Extend Your Networking Beyond Events Every year I attend many conventions, expos, and events – sometimes to stay current in my profession, but more often because I am a speaker at the event. What’s the […]

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Customer Service is Moving Online

When the telephone rings (or however it notifies you) – and you know the call is coming from one of your customers, you answer it. Then why do companies establish a presence on the social networks and let comments and tweets go unanswered? I don’t know either. I do know that your customers expect you […]

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Typepad vs WordPress – Pros and Cons

One advantage of having a unique domain for your blog is you can export your entire blog from WordPress Optimisation to TypePad or vice-versa.  Even if you are loyal to one platform, you never know with mergers and such if there will be a desire to make a change down the road.  So, do this.  […]

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How to Stay Motivated

Motivation is one of those subjects that people tend to feel strongly about – almost like politics.  You may read or hear such declarations as this:  Nobody can motivate you – you have to motivate yourself. This may be true.  However, others definitely can inspire us take action.  In that sense, they indeed do motivate […]

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Give Bing a Chance

Google still stands tall as the king of search – controlling nearly 65% of the market. However, Bing is giving them a run, thanks in part to their partnership with Facebook. The Future of Web Search is Social Google and Bing both understand the future of the search is going social.  Why? Because that’s where […]

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Jeff Korhan Moves to WordPress

Many of you know that I have been blogging on the TypePad platform for more than five years – on this blog and few I have since abandoned.  While I will still recommend TypePad to small businesses who are new to blogging, it is time for this blogger to get on a faster horse if […]

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The Social Media Stakes Are Going Up

In addition to LinkedIn going public this week, Facebook has announced that their public offering is inevitable too. This means the social media stakes are going up. We are all going to have to play the game better and smarter – planning ahead and partnering with true experts.

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