RSS Readers – The Most Valuable Tool You Don't Use

One of the most valuable tools available to you for staying on top of news that is relevant to your industry and small business is the RSS news reader – a free Web-based tool that allows you to subscribe to and manage blog content, as well as other real-time news such as your Google alerts.

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Why Authenticity Pays and How to Do It

Authenticity brings out of you the personal qualities that others can identify with. To get there, a good approach is to get over the need to be liked and just have a conversation that comes from the heart. That’s what creates alignment that leads to new business deals.

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Your Price is Too High Because the Value is Hidden

When price is a problem, its because everything else seems to be equal, which we all know is never true. So, instead of blaming the Internet, blame yourself for not revealing what is hidden. Thanks to social media, pulling back the curtain to share what has never been shared is one of the most powerful and memorable means of differentiating your small business.

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It's In My Blog

Are you looking for ways to drive more traffic to your blog – or to your website via your blog? Then make your blog a place that is so robust and jam-packed with valuable content that your community will find it useful. This is why I am always proud to say with a smile … It’s in My Blog.

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Nobodies are the New Somebodies

If you expect to achieve your small business objectives with social media, you should consider that it is creating a transformative power shift. Power and influence are no longer concentrated in places where the majority cannot access it. It’s everywhere. This means nobodies are the new somebodies.

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Social Media is a Game

Social media is game – it’s nothing more than a platform that allows anyone to say pretty much what they want to say. Like it or not, what you say and how you say it, as well as what you don’t say on the social networks communicate a great deal about you and your small business.

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How Blogging Converts Relevancy into New Business

Prospects understand that that every company is different, which is why they are searching for something they can relate to – and that is usually something that is relevant and personal to you.

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Enchantment – A Conversation with Guy Kawasaki

Skills can be learned, and enchantment is one of them. In the book Enchantment, author Guy Kawasaki gives you practical ideas for enchanting your customers, your employees, and even your boss. What is enchantment? Guy defines it as the process of delighting people with a product, service, organization or idea – with the outcome being a mutually beneficial relationship.

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Hyperlocal and Your Small Business

Location and real-time social search promise to be the two most relevant criteria for engaging with most small businesses. Consumers want to know what is happening now as it pertains to their current location, and hyperlocal search applications such as Fwix are bringing that content to their mobile devices.

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Culture is King at Zappos

Social media has been a powerful tool in the growth of Zappos, and their culture is what ensures that what is shared supports the well-being of the company and everyone associated with it. No attorneys are needed to craft complex privacy policies, just a simple commitment to ten core values.

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