Social Search is Taking Shape as Expected

Google is now emphasizing shared links with their social search engine. This means creating content worthy of sharing within your social communities will enhance your visibility and influence with Google, provided the sharing is on Google friendly sites such as Twitter and Quora.

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Pulse is Your Digital Magazine Reader

Pulse delivers news with a rich manner of presentation that has a magazine quality to it. The day will come when the majority of Web content will be consumed on mobile devices. One way to get familiar with what will work best for your small business is to study how services like Pulse deliver content – and how it is being done well.

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Using Social Networks to Build Sustainable Value

Give your social networks priority for business communications. Share as much as you can to build your value, to enhance the value of your message through sharing, and to contribute to the value of the overall network.

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7 Essential Qualities for Designing Your Business Around Social

To understand how to operate your small business in this social media influenced environment is to be especially aware of the humanizing aspects of this platform. Now is the time to take a closer look at your business model to engage with your customers in ways that they are becoming more accustomed to – and that are more relevant to your successful relationship with them.

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What You Should Already Know About Social Media

You have been hearing enough about social media that you intuitively know it is finally time to do something about it. Nevertheless, and lets be honest, you still struggle with the fact that you don’t really want to do this. You are either afraid of the technology or the perceived time commitment.

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Sharing Incentives Can Build Digital Assets for Your Business

The challenge for small businesses is learning how to use the open networks such as Twitter and Facebook to accomplish business networking objectives while also enhancing the health of the open ecosystem where your customers live – and capturing it as digital assets.

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Facebook Pic Management with Pick & Zip

Nearly everyone is quick to post images to Facebook, so it is logical to go there for the most up-to-date photos that you may wish to download to your photo libraries. Pick & Zip is a service that allows you to easily accomplish that.

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What is Your Blog Worth?

While your blog may not directly produce income, it can very likely help you to do so indirectly – by opening doors and helping you to make new connections that you could not have otherwise made without the visibility and reputation that your blog made possible.

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Personalizing LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great network for getting business relationships off the ground. LinkedIn is a business environment. Share productive business-oriented tips and advice. Do that in a personable manner and you will encourage more conversations that lead to new opportunities.

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Why Now is The Time to Work In Your Business

If you are actively participating in the day-to-day operations of your business, then you are well positioned to take full advantage of a number of social media influenced trends that will keep you an your small business relevant to your customers.

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