Blog Categories are Lanes

Your blog categories are much more than a means of organizing your blog content. They suggest to your audience that you have not only taken to the time to organize your content, but that you clearly understand your expertise and how to use it to help them in ways that are most useful to them.

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How Did You Get Into Social Media?

The question that I am frequently asked when I’m out speaking to small business audiences is how I got into a career involving social media. It’s a good question that I’d like to take a shot at.

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GroupMe for Small Business and Family

GroupMe is a free service that allows you to simultaneously text-message or conference call a group of mobile devices. It works with any type of mobile device, and anyone in the group use the unique number to text the group or initiate a conference call.

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Tall Tweets for Tweeting Longer than 140

Tall Tweets is a new Twitter service that allows you to tweet more than 140 character messages by automatically slicing your message into multiple and successive tweets.

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Authenticity Guidelines

Authenticity is a behavioral quality that enhances your effectiveness with social networking and marketing. It seems easy enough until you are in the spotlight. The reason is that whenever we are on a stage of any kind, where we know we are being observed – our behavior changes.

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5 Ways to Make Your Blog Posts Outstanding

A great blog post respects the needs of three distinct entities. It educates and informs your audience (your subscribers and visitors), optimizes for the search engines and sufficiently energizes you so that you do a good job creating it. To accomplish this, it should address five component, including having an engaging title, content that is easy to consume, a mix of content types, being optimized for search engines, and lots of interaction.

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Using Social Media to Enhance Your Sales Process

Using technology to collaborate with your prospects and customers respects their valuable time – while also making the most of yours. Now you can use social networking and marketing to share the information that is necessary for prospects to learn what they most need to know about you and your business, and to encourage more qualified inquiries.

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Quality or Quantity Blog Posting for SEO?

The search engine optimization of your blog is most effectively enhanced by increasing the frequency of your posting and by attracting more inbound links. If you had to choose, it would be preferable to opt for delivering quality content less frequently. However, you are less likely to get noticed to attract those links if you are posting infrequently.

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QR Codes for a Good Cause

QR Codes are currently a thing of curiosity. Yet, the more everyone gets familiar with them, the more likely they will find practical uses. This is another example of social entrepreneurship in action, a trend that you should consider for your small business. Remember that markets are communities. Help them and you may be surprised at the mutual benefits.

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How to Encourage Social Media Sharing

The purpose of sharing online content is to encourage interaction, engagement, and collaboration. There is an art to this form of content marketing. An effective approach is to create an enjoyable experience that is likely to lead to more sharing.

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