Training Your Mind

Your mind is the most powerful tool for both personal and professional productivity. The challenge is training your mind to respond appropriately, that is, without stress. Here are are two simple concepts to that will help you with that.

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The Dalai Lama and Business

While in the audience of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet today, at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, I could not help but appreciate how his world view is strikingly congruent with the business practices that are most effective on the social networks. Business and marketing is now a social experience. This means taking a broader view with your work, and especially with your social media marketing, is going to create more opportunities.

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Actions that Engage

The reason for taking an action is to achieve a desired result. When your actions involve people, that desired result is typically another action, one that tells you they are engaged – a smile, a nod, even a frown will do. Actions don’t necessarily have to be favorable. Social media teaches us that
challenging questions give yoo the opportunity to provide clarification – so welcome them.

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QR Codes LIKE Your Facebook Page

QR Codes will play a significant role in the future of social media marketing. The concept is very simple: these graphic representations of digital links instantly connect mobile devices to your social media marketing – including the LIKE button to your Facebook page.

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How Sharing is Redefining Business and Marketing

The value that resides in our social media communities is much greater than we realize. And thanks to the power of technology, these little pieces of shared wisdom can be accumulated, curated, and applied for the benefit of that community – benefitting both the community and your small business!

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How Facebook is Humanizing Search

Facebook’s internal search engine is powered by Microsoft’s Bing. Now they are taking their partnership to the Web where they will use instant personalization to add context to searches – through the wisdom of friends – your friends, and your mutual friends. The context of your content is what is relevant to your expertise. Facebook is arguably the only platform that provides that context.

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Keeping Up With Social Media

You cannot do this alone – none of us can. Yet, if you make the effort to engage with friends on the social networks and share with them, you will stand a much better chance of keeping up. Make friends. Engage with them. Share with them.

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Blogging Wet

There is a lot of chatter in the blogosphere, especially when it comes to technology and the social networks. Noise and chatter is often superficial. That is to say it’s at the surface – like the waves in the ocean. If you are willing to go deeper with your blogging, you will find yourself in unique place – without any competition.

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Stop Following Instructions and Explore

One of the characteristics of the social networks is that you are asked to fill in the blanks when you complete your profile, establish your notification or privacy settings, or connect with other applications. Yet, the free markets of commerce applaud and reward those that resist conformity in favor of exploration. Look for the gaps – they exist on all of the social networks, and the astute marketers are taking advantage of them.

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Facebook Groups Simplified

You can now Back-up Your Facebook Information, monitor your applications from the New Applications Dashboard, and create New Groups with enhanced functionality. You can easily discern that groups are intended to bring us closer together into micro-communities. When this happens, there is a greater likelihood of alignment.

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