Real-Time Social Media Search Analytics

SocialMention is a a real-time search platform that can help you to monitor your small business brand or personal online presence so that you make them even better. Click to Enlarge Real-Time Search I've previously commented on Collecta and Topsy for doing real-time search.  What I like about SocialMention is that it not only provides […]

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Blog Banner Blues

If you are familiar with my two-year old banner, you can see that I'm livin' large these days!  Living Large My new blog banner is definitely out of scale, but we decided to load this version up to get a look at it in its native environment. What I have come to learn is that […]

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Social Media Video Behind the Scenes

What can distinguish your small business is probably something that you do ever day in your business, and probably have fun doing it – but that most of your customers, and none of your prospects ever see. Behind The Curtain What is it?  That's for you to determine.  But I am going to suggest that […]

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Watch Your Social Media Language

Skilled social media practitioners are always mindful of their keywords for search engine and social media optimization.  But that's not what this is about. There is another language that affects the effectiveness of your social media message in even subtler ways.  I'm talking about the words that can add an element of style to your […]

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Social Media Success Happens

Every success that I have had with social media can be traced back to this: Having the faith that my efforts will eventually yield the desired results. I know that may sound like an idealistic perspective, but it is nonetheless true.  Social Media is Life You have to get in the game of life and […]

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Cross-Collaboration with Social Media

If you are using social media to collaborate, then I also hope you are using it to cross-collaborate. What is Cross-Collaboration? Every one of your customers benefits from your experience with the one that preceded them.  So then, why shouldn't they all benefit from every collaborative effort you have that follows?  In my mind, this […]

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Email Marketing Service MailChimp Likes Facebook

MailChimp continues to earn a place with small businesses as an email marketing service that is very user friendly and incredibly functionality.  In less than a week they are going to step things up even more when they allow you to add the Facebook Like button to your email campaigns. Why Facebook Like for Email […]

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Helping Small Businesses Embrace Social Media

The adoption rate of new media by small businesses is still, by any measure, much closer to zero than 50%.  There are some recent developments that suggest we may finally be moving closer to improving on those numbers.  So, lets put on our small business hats (we wear many of them!) and take a look […]

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Small Business Marketing Talk – #8

This issue of Small Business Marketing talk is an example of how social media can work to bring people together to accomplish practical business objectives.  In this example, it just so happens that one of the participants is me. Cultivating Relationships and Business Ventures Chris Heiler is a green industry professional that I met about […]

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Kids Want Social Content Too

Facebook is Dying Recently, my daughter matter-of-factly suggested Facebook was dying.  OMG, is she crazy, I thought? Given that she is an honors marketing student at Indiana University, and a member of The Facebook Generation, I tend to pay attention to what she has to say about this arena where I focus my business efforts. […]

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