Why So Many Bloggers Quit

Because they do not understand the process.  The reason they do not understand the process is they do not trust it.  They don't trust it because they cannot see how it works.   When you cannot see, you get impatient.  And the more impatient one gets, the more you fight for control.  Before long, you stop […]

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My Favorite Social Media Action Tools

Listening may be the most valuable social media activity for your business.  However, listening is a form of learning that only matters if you then take action. In this time of information overload, you have to grab information when you see it- so that you can take action when you need to.  These are my […]

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The SEO Paradox of Blogging

Unlike traditional marketing, it's Free! Today I had a conversation with a new client that gave me some insights into why there is resistance to blogging as a means for being findable on the Web.  How Good Can It Be If It's Free Our Western society tends to associate value with a price tag.  We […]

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Why Your Marketing Needs Video

For one thing, it's so easy even a high school kid can do it. It's Happening The New York Times published this article today that shows you that video is becoming a viable communication tool for college applicants.  Why?  It only takes a $100 camcorder, a little bit of ingenuity, and a commitment to getting […]

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Get to Know the New Google

Google is Much More Than Search Google is proving again and again that they will continue to be a force on the Web.  As a small business owner, I tend to cheer for entrepreneurs and small businesses, not behemoths like Google.  However, as this Web continues to evolve, Google is proving they are very capable […]

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How To Attract the Right Customers with Social Media

Just be honest. Some people will like your message, and others won't. That's OK, because you are only interested in the ones that do.  Brutally Honest My friend Dr Marc Swerdlick is a brilliant marketer – but his message is not for everyone.  And that is exactly why he is so successful as a marketer, […]

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Unconventional Measures Give You An Edge

Last week I flew Hawaiian Airlines to a speaking engagement where I was informed that my regulation carry-on bag was non-conforming, but not because it was over-sized.  It didn't fit the weight limit of 25 pounds that is specific to this carrier.  While I was not a happy camper, I realized this was a brilliant […]

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Why Context is King

Because it makes your content relevant to me. Fans If you can make your message about your audience, your market, your customers – however you care to describe the target of your communications, then you have a greater chance of building fans. Fans enjoy feeling like they are collaborators with you.  They enjoy feeling that […]

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Was It Good For You

That must be the question traditional advertisers ask themselves. In many situations, I suspect the response is – huh? Real People While watching the Winter Olympics I had more than a few emotional responses.  When you see athletes ready to take the challenge and their families anxiously looking on, it is easy to feel what […]

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The Highest Use of Your Blog

multiplies your ability to better serve your market. A few days ago I was talking with a new client.   In our brief conversation regarding the social media strategy for his green industry business, he casually mentioned a specific concern that was the inspiration for my previous post on managing negative comments on the Web. […]

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