You Would Think

ESPN would create their own social media channel. The Sporting Community Last night I was half-working and half-watching the college football National Championship.  I may have fully watched the game if I had someone to share the experience with.  My thoughts drifted to my sports fanatic friends in other cities who I knew were watching […]

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Dumb Things Business People Do

When it comes to using social media well. 1.  They Don't Do Their Research.  Much of what I have learned about making social media work for me comes from following the leaders and learning from them.  This includes Mashable, Techcrunch, Chrisbrogan, Seth Godin's Blog, and Alltop. If you are anxious to learn – go to […]

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Can You Handle The Truth?

Then start blogging. Stretch the truth.  Why not?  It is guaranteed to attract multiple perspectives, and if you are lucky, some lively controversy, too. Don't fear the negative comments.  Embrace them as an opportunity to clarify your own position.  Go ahead, push the envelope a bit.  Cross the line.  It's o.k. You are free to […]

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Rules Don't Apply to Me

Yes, I agree. If this statement accurately describes you, then it is safe to say that freedom frees you? You greet the blank social media status box with excitement.  You are probably also a prolific blogger. Your challenge is to use your free-wheeling mind to accomplish a purpose.   Everyone is using social media for […]

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Do You Have a Social Media Callback?

"A girl phoned me the other day and said….. Come on over, there's nobody home.  I went over.  Nobody was home."     Rodney Dangerfield Rodney was the master of the callback.  What's a callback?  A simple word, phrase, or sound that is clearly identified with you – and only you.  And what was Rodney's callback?   […]

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Before You Drink the Social Media Kool-Aid

Build a Great Bio that is a Clear Statement of Your Purpose:   What You Do, Who You Do it For, and How they  Benefit. Thanks to people like me who have been pounding the drum, a new segment of marketers are ready to jump head-first into the social media networks.  I encouraged exactly that in […]

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How To Build a Business Legacy with Your Blog

Make it Simple, Strong, and Social. Blogging is the most powerful marketing tool available to any business marketer today – without exception.  It is the great equalizer.  Whatever you do well, it amplifies it.   And unlike your other social media networks, you own the content you create.  That is why it is also your legacy.  […]

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A Social Media Channel with Unlimited Bandwidth

It’s meditation.  Stay with me and I’ll show you how. Yesterday, I made a post on how to improve and extend  your vision to accomplish more in 2010.  Near the end of that post I made a recommendation that you should consider learning meditation.  Today I will explain why.  And if you are a social […]

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How to Simplify Your 2010 Planning and Collaboration

Make a list.  Simple. Or is it?  In this time of new media augmented reality, it is easy to go gaga over what technology can do for you.  Before you know it, you are so wrapped up in a loop of systems you forget the basics that got you here, namely, the venerable to-do list. […]

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Social Media Ideas for Managing a Snowstorm

Here's how I would use social media if I were a snow plowing contractor. This is a business where safety is paramount.  Phrases like "zero-tolerance" are used to establish the level of service customers expect to keep their facilities safe – and their legal teams idle. I should first note that I owned a snow […]

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