How to Get Customers Talking About Your Business

Last week LinkedIn celebrated a milestone of achieving 200 million users. To celebrate the occasion they sent a notice congratulating the users with the top 1% viewed profiles for 2012. Of course, they also created a social share button so their achievement of being a top user could be shared on Twitter. And those of […]

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Extend Your Community with a Quora Blog

Sometimes you have a gut feeling about business trends. We’ll see in in a few months if my hunch about Quora blogs is well founded. Here at my practice is sharing high quality articles that often require extensive research and study – and a considerable investment in time. I’ve often wondered if I should […]

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12 Business Marketing Trends and Better Practices for 2013

As a small business, you will have to respond to these business marketing trends to keep your business relevant in 2013. As a business owner or manager, the suggested personal marketing practices will prove to be valuable for helping you to better implement them for maximum business marketing benefit. Business Marketing Trends and Practices #1 […]

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3 Essential Small Business Writing Practices

You do not have to be an accomplished writer to write things down. You only need to learn how to capture your best ideas, refine them, and then use them to attract more customers. The Internet thrives on useful information and ideas – and so does your business. Knowing this, it is interesting that many […]

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A Year of Social Media Friendship

As many of us approach the close of another calendar year, we begin to look forward to starting the new year fresh. The truth is we can do that any day with our social media communities, but there is something about getting together with family and friends at this time that helps us to reflect […]

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The Icarus Deception – Work is Art

The process of doing what you were meant to do can be frightening, and that is why its accomplishment is so rewarding. For one thing, you just may fail. In fact, honing your skills into a viable practice requires that you fail, because the perspective gained from failures and challenges leads to creating your best […]

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The Facebook Trust Dilemma

The recently announced Facebook Job Board has inherent risks for everyone –  users, advertisers, and Facebook itself. Facebook became what it is today by innovating – “moving fast and breaking things.”  While that may be a viable strategy for a start-up, by social networking standards they are now an established business. Do you think IBM […]

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Thank You All

It is Thanksgiving here in the United States and I’d like to thank all of you that have crossed my path, and those who will do so some time in the near future. Thank You Friends I am thankful for how social media has connected me with so many interesting people that I would not have […]

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Using LinkedIn to Attract Business

LinkedIn can help you accomplish multiple business objectives, from attracting business leads, to recruiting new talent, and discovering potential opportunities for partnering. Attraction is Alignment To get what you want in business today you need to consider the expectations of your target audience. If you are looking for talented recruits you need to know what they […]

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Content Marketing Choice-Making

The creation of abundant online content necessarily encouraged content curation, the practice of sifting through it to then share only the information that is most relevant to respective communities. Always on RSS feeds allow for easily filtering content by selecting the best sources to include in curated streams. While there is value to this type […]

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