It Hasn’t Been Done

Too often we do not take action because we are convinced that our ideas are not unique or worthy of the attention of our community. This is especially true when it comes to using the social networks to publish content that serves a useful purpose. It’s nearly impossible to study the business landscape and find […]

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Klout Deserves Your Attention

Until this week, online influence rating service Klout failed to earn the respect of media influentials, which obviously is more than a little embarrassing. That has now changed.  The Klout Controversy Klout measures online influence via such actions as comments, likes, and shares, depending upon the respective social media channel. You can learn more about […]

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The Collective Voice of Customers

What is the most valuable, and yet underutilized resource in your business? For most small businesses, it is your customers. The Web Serves Consumers First One of principles of the web is that it is works to serve consumers first and businesses second.  So, as they move online in greater numbers, their collective voice will […]

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Google+ Hangouts Come Alive

There is a big difference between television and live television. Live television comes alive because there is anticipation and excitement about what is going to happen next. Photographer John Butterill applied this principle to Google+ Hangouts by taking it mobile, and indeed there is an equally significant, if not remarkable difference. The short video below […]

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3 Lessons from The Social Media Olympics

Twitter and other social media channels that were relatively new during the previous Olympics have gone mainstream over the past four years, thereby making the big stage of the 2012 Olympics invaluable for learning how to use social media well. Four years ago many of us were just experimenting with this thing called Twitter. We […]

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There is No Competition When You Innovate

Businesses have traditionally dedicated a great deal of effort to staying ahead of the competition. This tends to limit their focus on the variables that are easily matched, such as pricing and features. Business then becomes a measured battle that often leads to a downward spiral, one in which not even the customer wins. While consumers […]

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How Value Fuels Social Media Engagement

Nearly ever business professional now acknowledges the value of social media for facilitating online conversations that connect a tribe that is passionate about an idea, purpose, or brand. In other words, most business leaders understand the value of social media. They even understand that bringing value to it is necessary to make it work. Nevertheless, […]

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The Channel of You

Your business channel is you. It’s often personal and at the core of what your business does well to create healthy relationships with the communities you serve. Channeling Your Highest Value Value always starts at the source.  What your company cares deeply about is exactly where you should begin when designing your social media communications. […]

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Friends Help Friends Stop Twitter DM Spam

You know your friends well enough to know the language they will use and content they are most likely to share. You can also probably discern the same for the majority of your Twitter followers. When you get a spammy DM (direct message) similar to the one above, stop it right away.  Take these two […]

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Stories Sell and Set You Free

One of my first experiences involving the successful use of story for practical business purposes was as an aspiring landscape contractor – the owner of a mainstream small business. My company was beginning to deliver really nice quality work, but we had yet to land that special project that we hoped would distinguish us in […]

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