The Positive Focus Practice

One of the most powerful tools for maximizing results from your work is a weekly practice of building on your successes. The positive focus practice is a simple exercise of rehearsing the successes of the previous week, acknowledging what worked (or didn’t), and then taking specific actions to enhance the positive and eliminating the negative […]

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3 Success Criteria for Any Business Marketing Platform

Historically, the greatest challenge for marketers was reaching their target audience. This not only required an understanding of marketing skills, but also relationships with the media and the dollars to engage their capabilities. Now anyone, and especially any business, can (and should) build a platform for reaching their ideal customers. The traditional barriers to building […]

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3 Essential Social Media Community Leadership Practices

In an effort to to catch-up on their social media community building, businesses are overlooking the three common leadership practices that practically guarantee their success. Fortunately, the remedies are simple and straightforward. Following are three community building practices that apply to all of the social media networks – including your Facebook business page, company blog, […]

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The Illusion of Asset Ownership

Every business has bankable assets on its balance sheet – both soft and and hard assets. Hard defines capital equipment and real estate – assets that have traditionally held their value. Soft assets are intangibles such as brands and the goodwill that is associated with them. HBUSA company is a lot different than the others. They […]

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3 Hyperlocal Marketing Success Factors

While they may not be familiar with the term hyperlocal marketing, successful local businesses have learned it is essential to their continued prosperity. Hyperlocal suggests serving a narrowly defined niche – one that is largely defined by proximity. However, location is just one piece of the hyperlocal marketing puzzle. This weekend I worked with local […]

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Social and Mobile are Universally Global

While vacationing in Mexico this week, I could not help but notice that even in this developing country, mobile is not the future – it’s here now, and bigger than one might have expected. While the quality of running water in this little resort town may not be up to the standards most of us […]

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Give Up Control of Your Brand

The customer may not always right, but they will always have a voice – and that gives them influence over your brand. Traditional marketing and advertising was a process in which the enterprise controlled the brand. They had the facts, the expertise, and the resources with which to shape the brand identity. Now customers can […]

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Facebook Facts and Your Business

Pew Internet recently completed a study of Facebook user behaviors that provides valuable insights that can help you more effectively use Facebook to grow your circle of influence – and business opportunities. Facebook Friends are Not Real Friends Men and women especially, and all of us in general, differ on who we consider to be our […]

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Google+ for Small Business: An Interview with Chris Brogan

In this interview, New York Times bestselling author Chris Brogan offers insights into the power of Google+ for small businesses. Google+ is an emerging social network that promises to challenge Facebook – especially in regards to its benefits for businesses. While Google+ is only a fraction of the size of Facebook, it is indeed backed […]

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Innovate or Die – The Race to The Top

Imagine a web with perfect search capabilities – one in which consumers have access to everything they want to know about your business and others just like it. Knowing that, would you operate differently than you are today? You can hope your prospects will not discover other sources that are cheaper or better than yours, […]

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