Google Currents and the Mobile Trend

This week Google launched Google Currents – a well-designed application that takes mobile to another level by bringing all of your digital magazines together into a friendly interface. As a business, your digital magazine is your blog – and Google Currents is designed to help you distribute that expertise to your target audience via their mobile device. […]

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Humanize Email Marketing for Results

If you expect to get your marketing emails opened and read, you need to consistently deliver useful information, while also respecting the cardinal rule of content marketing – quickly and clearly make your point. That’s just the beginning. Having accomplished that, you then have to get your prospects and customers to take action – such […]

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Why Marketers are Now In the Answers Business

Google’s vision for search business is simple:  One has a thought and instantly gets an answer that is 100% relevant. This means you as a marketer are in the answers business. If you want to grow your business by extending its reach online, you have to get serious about providing answers that are most requested […]

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A Little Blogging Secret

A belief that many small businesses share is that delivering exceptional work will naturally attract everything necessary to support their business. This is also one of the secrets of blogging – stay in the game, strive to create valuable, innovative and inspiring content, and everything else will fall into place. Hardly a day goes by […]

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5 Best Practices for Local Small Business

Today is Small Business Saturday – a day dedicated to supporting small businesses in local communities. Much of the publicity surrounding this marketing effort to create awareness for small businesses is on the word small. Yet, isn’t being local more relevant? Location is often what differentiates small businesses that are part of the fabric of […]

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Blog or Website – The Real Difference

Blogs are indeed websites, but there are distinct and relevant differences and advantages to both. Most people think of a website as a digital storefront – a place for offering products and services, activities that you can also accomplish with a blog. Then what exactly is the difference between a blog and a website? A […]

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The Biggest Risk is Not Taking Any Risks

The headline of this article is a direct quote from an interview with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, when he addressed a group of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. In it, he noted that some companies move too slow, and a few too fast. The challenge is to find your place in the middle. This is good advice even […]

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Call Me – Going Beyond Social Media

Today Google announced that they are providing 24/7 live phone support for Google apps customers. This is great news for those of us that have not taken advantage of the full suite of Google apps services because we were not comfortable betting the future of our business on a faceless company. Are you unknowingly doing […]

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Let Your Customers Own Your Brand

There is nothing more important to branding than the customer and what they have to say. Traditionally, companies have filtered the conversations surrounding their brands. This is a tactic that gives the customer a reason not to trust your company. The reality is that customers today will be heard. They have many opportunities for accomplishing […]

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