Optimize Facebook by Thinking Like Facebook

Facebook is a world distinct from the rest of the social media universe for one reason – Facebook controls Facebook. For the most part what happens in Facebook stays within Facebook, and that’s just the way they want it. Social Context and Smart Lists The interrelationships and contextual information shared on Facebook builds social context […]

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The Biggest Social Media Risk

We all know the excuses for not using social media – not being very good with technology, not enough time, and not willing to be that visible. Of course, there are many more reasons why small business are not taking advantage of the opportunities that social media offers them. What’s the biggest risk with regards […]

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Why You Should Design Your Business Around Social

“The social version of anything is more engaging and will outperform non-social.” That’s a direct quote from an interview with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg at the 2010 Web 2.0 Summit. He noted that we are all hard-wired to connect and engage with other people. This followed his comment that “Over the next 5 years most […]

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Finding Your Way with Social Media

There is no template for using social media well.  You have to find your own way. There are indeed best practices you can follow.  However, adapting those to your business is something that is unique to it – including your company culture and the people you serve. As children, many of us were fascinated by […]

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How the Facebook Contextual Engine Can Grow Your Business

Facebook is building a contextual search engine that will readily tell your story and connect you with new social and business opportunities. However, you have to make the effort to learn how to give it the information that it needs to help you. While it may seem that your Facebook experience is determined by Facebook, […]

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Get to Know Your Marketing Angels and Demons

When you are creating marketing content for your small business there is a demon on one shoulder and an angel on the other. The challenge is determining how that devil is working against you – and the angel for you. In other words – what do they represent when it comes to your creative process […]

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How to Lose a Prospect at Hello

Today I was reading the bio of a guest blogger who helps small businesses with their social media marketing. That happens to be what I do too, so I clicked on the link to their site to learn more. The very first line of the most recent blog post was a query to those working […]

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Facebook Gets Friendlier with Smart Lists

If you are actively using any of the social networks, your community of friends, fans, or followers has grown beyond what you can capably manage. Google+ came up with an imaginative method for tackling this challenge with circles – which were intended to emulate our real-life social circles.  These social circles can be distinct or overlap […]

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Follow Me on Facebook

Facebook has added a new subscribers feature to personal profiles that indeed indicates they are keeping a close eye on Google+ and Twitter – and borrowing a few ideas as well. One of the advantages of strengths of Facebook is that it is personal. Business is now personal. You can no longer separate your business […]

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5 Reasons for Using a Blog Post Template

What comes to mind when you hear the word template? For most people, its the thought of following a cookie-cutter formula that practically ensures the creation of mediocre work. On the contrary, using a template reminds you of the essential components that most reliably produce your best work – and more readily help you to […]

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