Start with Listening to Your Customers

Listening is the foundation of all successful relationships. And business has always been about relationships – now more than ever.  So, why are small businesses confused about where to start with social media? My hunch is it is that word marketing.  Traditional marketing is push marketing – something along the lines of buy my stuff […]

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Will Google+ Be an Email Killer?

What happens when you combine the world’s largest search engine and email provider on a red-hot social networking site? Google has already integrated killer search capabilities into Gmail, which accounts for approximately 38% of all email usage worldwide. Now they are inviting you to import your Gmail contacts into Google+.  In addition to that, you […]

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Paid to Speak

If you are creating quality content for your community, you will enhance its value by sharing it in as many forms of communication as possible – both online and offline. One possibility is to speak publicly at events in your industry. While you may be reluctant to present in front of a live audience, the honor […]

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What If You Could Start Fresh with Social Media?

For most of us, our social networking communities were randomly created – they developed organically as we learned new media. Now you have thousands of followers on Twitter and hundreds of “friends” on Facebook that you have never met.  It’s a fact we all know. What if you could apply the learning you have acquired […]

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Google+ and The Power of Interaction

Google+ is Google’s latest attempt to build a social networking site that will rival Facebook – and their initial efforts suggest they are likely to meet with some measure of success. Launched just a week ago, Google+ is still in a limited trial.  Invitations were sent to prominent tech and social media influencers who then […]

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Quality Online Content is Not Enough

“It’s not enough.  Sorry, it’s just not enough.” This is a quote from a video by SEOmoz – a top SEO blog.  The 10 minute video would not embed well, but you can watch it here. It’s a true commentary that speaks to the fact that being relevant for search engines now demands much more […]

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Your Interactive Expertise Distribution Site

A blog is an interactive site that distributes expertise to a community. Just don’t call it a blog, because that term may no longer be relevant. What comes to mind when you hear the words blog or blogging – a string of random thoughts or a well-crafted piece of content that helps a specific community to […]

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Free is Free – or It’s Not Free

When you treat your friends and advocates as customers, some will become customers. Those that don’t may spread your message to future buyers. The old model is treating customers like royalty, while encouraging others (via marketing) to become customers so that they can enjoy the same preferential treatment.  The web in general, and social media […]

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Blekko Search Slashes Out the Best Content

Have you searched the web for too long already and still cannot find what you are looking for? If so, upstart search engine Blekko may do the trick.  Blekko uses slashtags to get the job done.  These are tags that eliminate spammy results to bring you the most relevant content. There Are Lots of Search Engines […]

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Creativity is Just Connecting Things

The title of this article is a quote by Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Is it a valid statement? Here’s a personal example that will help you to decide for yourself. First Start with Awareness Too often we think of creativity as a complicated process that only works when the stars align – when everything is […]

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