Build Confidence and Trust with Sales and Marketing Debriefs

When I began my career as an entry level salesperson for a major oil company I was required to debrief every single sales call. Back then I dictated everything into a recording device. It was then transcribed and circulated to the sales and management team. The debrief is a skill that surprisingly few people practice.  The […]

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Collaborative Sales Practices that Engage Buyers

Selling directly to buyers is a standard business practice that is being transformed into a more collaborative sales process. Progressive businesses are now working together with customers to create shared experiences by co-creating solutions with buyers to give them what is often greater or more exciting than they would have imagined. Buyers do not always know […]

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Consistency Builds Social Media Communities

Consistency may be the most powerful quality that small businesses can implement to build an active online community. Be honest: Could your social marketing be described as randomly jumping from one social network to another to get your message out? That approach simply doesn’t work in a digital world where precision is possible, and therefore, […]

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More is Not a Content Marketing Strategy

Marketers often comment that they are overwhelmed with the demands of creating content to fuel their online marketing. Does your audience really want more content – or more relevant content? Tweet This The noise and clutter online tells us the problem is not a shortage of content, but finding the content that specifically addresses our needs. […]

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Market Like You Understand Your Customers

One of the most underrated qualities in business is understanding the customer. On many levels this is significant, but especially for marketers that want to attract the attention of an audience. Assuming you have the technical capabilities, there is one a simple test for determining if your marketing is likely to be attractive to your […]

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What’s Your Writing Process?

If you don’t have a writing process that you regularly practice, you will be challenged with consistently turning out quality content. Do you start with an outline? Do you rewrite? How many times will you edit? These and many other considerations, such as your writing environment, will greatly enhance your writing productivity. Whether you work […]

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Intimacy Sells

One of the illusions of online marketing is that your thousands of fans and followers  can actually be moved to action. Consider that the more your networks grow the weaker every connection becomes. It’s almost as if your business growth cannibalizes the value of your network relationships. Of course, this has been a problem for […]

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Using Content Marketing to Teach Your Community

As the practice of content marketing goes mainstream, it is inevitable that it will be used in ways that undermine the very thing that makes it work – teaching. Want to make your content marketing better? Then consider your platform to be like a traditional classroom, and you the teacher. This will help to ensure […]

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Elevate Your Business Growth Practices to The Web

Business consultants, coaches, and authors are fond of admonishing that what got you here won’t get you there. Their reasons often stem from their desire to teach you their methods, thereby helping you to break free from your past. The flaw in this reasoning is your past is precisely what got you here. Why would you […]

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How to Write Web Copy That Gets a Response

There is business writing and there is writing for the web. Writing for the web is an intentional process for eliciting a response, and often a series of responses. This is why it is sometimes referred to as direct response copywriting. Your web copy should be designed to attract attention, develop a relationship with an […]

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