The Power of Questions for Attracting and Engaging New Buyers

Content marketing makes your business more attractive to prospective buyers by eliminating questions that stand in the way of them engaging with your company. Thus, when thinking about selling products and services, it’s smart to first consider the most relevant questions that need to be addressed. I just recently had car graphics London ON wrap […]

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Nimble Social CRM Brings Big Data to Small Business

Lack of time is the most common reason small businesses give for not regularly using social media? While there are many tools that can make your social media engagement easier, many of them only drag you further down into the rabbit hole we all know as the social media time suck. There is nothing wrong with […]

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The Value of Social Media Sharing

  The Jeff Korhan New Media and Small Business Marketing blog enjoyed a great week, leaping back into the Technorati Small Business Top 100 Rankings. How does this happen? While producing great content helps, it is not enough – not nearly enough. Your content has to get shared, again and again. Original content is fuel for helping […]

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Sell The Process that Sells Your Product

In competitive markets the differentiation of products and services is challenging, with many consumers not able discern a noticeable difference. This leads to commoditization and the aggressive price competition that naturally follows. The solution is to develop a process that profiles the unique characteristics and capabilities of your company – then lead your selling with […]

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3 Facebook Hashtag Marketing Tips

The newly launched Facebook hashtags could prove to be the savior of Graph Search – the recently launched Facebook search feature. Graph Search does what it promises – returning search results based on the social graphs of your Facebook friends, fans, and followers. This means that you tend to see search results only for those […]

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Connected Economy Alignment is Value

In this connected economy, the challenge is not connectivity – but alignment. If you look for differences you will find them; and if you seek alignment, cooperation, and collaboration, you will find that too. This is why learning to effectively manage your business networks is without question the key to your business success. Alignment is […]

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5 Tips for Using LinkedIn Contacts

LinkedIn is in the process of rolling out LinkedIn Contacts. In addition to several new features that are giving it a new look and feel – if offers enhanced functionality for better managing your relationships and social engagement. There is no question that all of the major social networks want you to use their service as your social […]

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Social Marketing is Relationship Selling

Mainstream small business will more reliably get better results from social media if they view it more as selling than marketing. Why? Because effective relationship selling is personal, and now marketing is too. As social influences continue to profoundly affect business, just about every business activity is going to require relationship building skills. Traditional marketing or advertising was […]

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If I Were Starting Social Media from Zero

A couple of months ago without notice, all of the social media sharing counters on my primary website had reverted to zero. Just like that, thousands of shares that had accumulated over a period of nearly seven years had vanished. Why is this significant? Social sharing is what is known as “social proof.”  It’s evidence […]

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Small Business Social Media Accountability

Recent tragic events here in the United States (and around the world) have heightened awareness of the global reach of media, especially social media, and the consequences for businesses using it. Small business advertising has historically been local, making it easy to craft messaging that is appropriate for the targeted audience. However, now any piece […]

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