Facebook Timeline is Your People Magazine

Facebook Timeline is much more than an improved interface for enhancing the user experience. The magazine style format of Facebook Timeline promises to change how Facebook is used – by creating greater awareness that every user is indeed an online publisher. When one assumes the role of a publisher, as opposed to that of a […]

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3 Reasons to Start Writing

Writing is an activity that helps you discover new ideas, recall those you have since dismissed, and share all of them with your audience. In many ways, writing is like a meditation – it’s a focusing technique that clears the way to bring forward the best that you have to offer. If you happen to […]

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Are You a Brand or a Business?

Social media enables brands and businesses to extend their marketing reach, thereby achieving new opportunities for interaction with followers, fans, prospects, and customers. The challenge is converting that activity into new business. This is accomplished by distinguishing the brand from the business – understanding how the dynamic of reach and interaction, and how they work […]

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A Little Blogging Secret

A belief that many small businesses share is that delivering exceptional work will naturally attract everything necessary to support their business. This is also one of the secrets of blogging – stay in the game, strive to create valuable, innovative and inspiring content, and everything else will fall into place. Hardly a day goes by […]

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Why Real Time Business Blogging is Cool

Blogging has been around for the better part of a decade from some – and more than half that for many of the rest of us. At the BlogWorld Expo last week we learned from a Technorati survey that the majority of bloggers are hobby bloggers.  Only 13% classified themselves as entrepreneurs who blog to […]

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5 Reasons for Using a Blog Post Template

What comes to mind when you hear the word template? For most people, its the thought of following a cookie-cutter formula that practically ensures the creation of mediocre work. On the contrary, using a template reminds you of the essential components that most reliably produce your best work – and more readily help you to […]

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3 Tips for Communicating Your Message with Authority

Have you ever noticed that even some of the best actors have a difficult time as talk show guests? They may be very good at delivering a role that follows a script – but without one there are gaps that leave a space for all kinds of things to happen – some of which undermine […]

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4 Ways to Clean Up Your Site for SEO

You already know that serving up valuable content that gets consumed and shared is the primary way to have your site ranked higher by Google – especially if those inbound links are from other sites of authority. Did you also know that Google interprets subtle signals that your site may be sending that could be […]

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Better Business Practices

Business consultants love to talk about best practices because it makes their job easier – and they are not alone. Many contractors, educators, and salespeople do the same. They have a few solutions that they have perfected – then they apply them to problems that may or may not fit that solution. That’s the problem. […]

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Whole Lotta Sharing Going On

Sharing is a human activity that is driving the social web these days. Thus, it is one that deserves your attention if you expect to be relevant in the communities you engage with and your business serves. Social Sharing and Social Graphs Anytime a link is shared on the social web it creates a node […]

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