Quality Online Content is Not Enough

“It’s not enough.  Sorry, it’s just not enough.” This is a quote from a video by SEOmoz – a top SEO blog.  The 10 minute video would not embed well, but you can watch it here. It’s a true commentary that speaks to the fact that being relevant for search engines now demands much more […]

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Your Interactive Expertise Distribution Site

A blog is an interactive site that distributes expertise to a community. Just don’t call it a blog, because that term may no longer be relevant. What comes to mind when you hear the words blog or blogging – a string of random thoughts or a well-crafted piece of content that helps a specific community to […]

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Free is Free – or It’s Not Free

When you treat your friends and advocates as customers, some will become customers. Those that don’t may spread your message to future buyers. The old model is treating customers like royalty, while encouraging others (via marketing) to become customers so that they can enjoy the same preferential treatment.  The web in general, and social media […]

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How to Write an Article Faster

Writing faster is writing better. You want to write faster to make the most of your time.  Though, it’s interesting that your best writing happens when you make the effort to speed up the writing process. Here’s how. Have the Intention to Write Fast This simple tip for writing faster may be the most important. […]

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How To Make Your Marketing Memorable

To make your marketing memorable you have to make it so colorful, so exciting, and so different from anything that has previously been imagined that it cannot possibly be forgotten. The foregoing statement is an adaptation that paraphrases a quote from Moonwalking with Einstein:  The Art and Science of Remembering Everything, by Joshua Foer. It’s […]

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Are You Joyful When You Write?

Writing is a creative process – one that requires something more than focus to produce favorable results. The last few weeks I have been in a writing slump. The quality of my work has ranged from acceptable to exceptional. However, until I made a significant breakthrough, the process for achieving it all could only be described […]

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What Is Your Social Media Vision?

It was no more than a few years ago that we had no idea where social media was going.  Nevertheless, many of us intuitively knew that we should get on board to see where where it could take us. After a fair amount of work, a great deal of trial and error, and a few […]

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Typepad vs WordPress – Pros and Cons

One advantage of having a unique domain for your blog is you can export your entire blog from WordPress Optimisation to TypePad or vice-versa.  Even if you are loyal to one platform, you never know with mergers and such if there will be a desire to make a change down the road.  So, do this.  […]

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Give Bing a Chance

Google still stands tall as the king of search – controlling nearly 65% of the market. However, Bing is giving them a run, thanks in part to their partnership with Facebook. The Future of Web Search is Social Google and Bing both understand the future of the search is going social.  Why? Because that’s where […]

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