Content Marketing Choice-Making

The creation of abundant online content necessarily encouraged content curation, the practice of sifting through it to then share only the information that is most relevant to respective communities. Always on RSS feeds allow for easily filtering content by selecting the best sources to include in curated streams. While there is value to this type […]

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3 Ways Content Marketing Makes Every Business Better

One of the reasons many businesses do not create and publish online content to serve their communities is the assumption it has already been done. This false assumption ignores the fact that most problems are chronic and original perspectives are the only way to slowly break them down to develop sustainable solutions. There are 3 […]

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Selling With Social

Social media is media that happens to be social. To use it well it’s necessary to think like a media company, such as NBC, ESPN, or HBO. All of these companies manage multiple networks or channels that collectively represent their business brand for a socially influenced community. Once you develop that essential mindset you are equipped to […]

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Built In Social Business Expectations

What would you think if you visited your favorite store and they were closed? Over time customers develop expectations, and one of them is that your business is open, ready, and willing to serve. If you operate a small business you understand this. You open and close on time, and follow a number of other […]

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When Users are Not Customers

The Ideal User Experience Google’s mission is to deliver the most relevant results for ANYONE performing a search within their platform. Google knows their customer. It’s any person doing a search query, regardless of whether that search is for business or personal reasons. When Google focuses on providing the best user experience, they are equally […]

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Is Your Social Network an Online Community or Club?

Successful social networking depends upon a number of factors, with your personality, values, and beliefs being some of the more highly relevant ones. Social media is social, and that means your personal values and beliefs will eventually be expressed, whether that is intentional or not. Knowing that most people are looking for agreement in social […]

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Why Isn’t Your Business Blogging?

As a consumer yourself, wouldn’t you like to have easy access to fresh updates concerning the products and services you regularly use? Your customers are no different. Customers have been conditioned to expect answers whenever they need them. When they don’t get what they want your reputation erodes. Knowing this, why are so few small […]

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It Hasn’t Been Done

Too often we do not take action because we are convinced that our ideas are not unique or worthy of the attention of our community. This is especially true when it comes to using the social networks to publish content that serves a useful purpose. It’s nearly impossible to study the business landscape and find […]

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Klout Deserves Your Attention

Until this week, online influence rating service Klout failed to earn the respect of media influentials, which obviously is more than a little embarrassing. That has now changed.  The Klout Controversy Klout measures online influence via such actions as comments, likes, and shares, depending upon the respective social media channel. You can learn more about […]

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