Whenever someone asks if you can help them, there is only one thing they are considering. Do you really have the necessary direct experience to first understand their situation – and then the acquired knowledge for applying a viable solution. People and Google LIKE Direct Experience People like direct experience. This is why they are […]
The Cardinal Rule of Content Marketing
When people encounter situations and circumstances that are complex – and open to interpretation, their only saviors are clarity and simplicity. That’s the role of content marketing. Consumers today are looking for answers – solutions that solve their problems without compromise. Imagine that you are responsible for a project that requires fastening pieces of lumber […]
The Purity of Work and Art
To create outstanding work it is essential to start from the beginning – focusing on its most basic and essential qualities. As film animation studio Pixar achieved success with blockbuster films such as Toy Story, business partner Disney, and CEO Steve Jobs decided it was time build a new home that would encourage more creative […]
Blog or Website – The Real Difference
Blogs are indeed websites, but there are distinct and relevant differences and advantages to both. Most people think of a website as a digital storefront – a place for offering products and services, activities that you can also accomplish with a blog. Then what exactly is the difference between a blog and a website? A […]
eBay is A Content Marketing Laboratory
eBay is an ideal arena for honing your content marketing skills. When you are selling an item on eBay you can create a traditional advertisement – or you can use content marketing to substantially increase your profits. When a potential buyer searches eBay they are not only looking for information on a specific item, but […]