Planning for Mobile with 20/20 Hindsight

Those of us who did not grow up with mobile technologies have an advantage. Before mobile we did something that is not now a common practice.  We planned. Even as digital technologies emerged, we continued to plan to assuage the high costs of using the technology. So, notwithstanding the serendipitous benefits of mobile, we learned […]

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Why Real Time Business Blogging is Cool

Blogging has been around for the better part of a decade from some – and more than half that for many of the rest of us. At the BlogWorld Expo last week we learned from a Technorati survey that the majority of bloggers are hobby bloggers.  Only 13% classified themselves as entrepreneurs who blog to […]

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Let Your Customers Own Your Brand

There is nothing more important to branding than the customer and what they have to say. Traditionally, companies have filtered the conversations surrounding their brands. This is a tactic that gives the customer a reason not to trust your company. The reality is that customers today will be heard. They have many opportunities for accomplishing […]

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Why You Should Design Your Business Around Social

“The social version of anything is more engaging and will outperform non-social.” That’s a direct quote from an interview with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg at the 2010 Web 2.0 Summit. He noted that we are all hard-wired to connect and engage with other people. This followed his comment that “Over the next 5 years most […]

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Your Content Marketing Store

Are you still having some challenges wrapping your arms around the concept of content marketing to increase your small business revenues? When I was conducting my Social Media Summit here in Chicago a few weeks ago I sensed that the concept was not resonating with some of the retailers in the group. It just so happens […]

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How Little Choices Increase the Value of Your Customer Experience

When you offer your customers the right choices, you create memorable experiences that increase the value of your business brand. Offering the wrong choices can drive customers away. So, the challenge is determining which are the right choices. It turns out the the best choices you can offer your customers are those that allow them […]

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You Are The Business

If you are the owner of a small business you know that you ARE the business. I’m not talking about wearing many hats, but the fact that your mere presence instills confidence in your customers. This is not only true for small businesses, but also for larger organizations such as Apple, Berkshire Hathaway, or Zappos – […]

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Finding Your Way with Social Media

There is no template for using social media well.  You have to find your own way. There are indeed best practices you can follow.  However, adapting those to your business is something that is unique to it – including your company culture and the people you serve. As children, many of us were fascinated by […]

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How the Facebook Contextual Engine Can Grow Your Business

Facebook is building a contextual search engine that will readily tell your story and connect you with new social and business opportunities. However, you have to make the effort to learn how to give it the information that it needs to help you. While it may seem that your Facebook experience is determined by Facebook, […]

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Why Being Wrong is Right for Business

Businesses work very hard at being right in order to attract more business – and so do their competitors. If everyone is right there is no differentiation – and no sale. A better strategy is being wrong to be right. Trust Wins Customers Your marketing has to resonate with your audience at an emotional level. […]

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