When you are creating marketing content for your small business there is a demon on one shoulder and an angel on the other. The challenge is determining how that devil is working against you – and the angel for you. In other words – what do they represent when it comes to your creative process […]
How to Lose a Prospect at Hello
Today I was reading the bio of a guest blogger who helps small businesses with their social media marketing. That happens to be what I do too, so I clicked on the link to their site to learn more. The very first line of the most recent blog post was a query to those working […]
Working with Rejection
Learning to accept rejection is a bad policy. Learning from rejection is a practice that could prove to be highly valuable to your small business marketing efforts. If you are a marketer, you know about rejection. On the surface rejection seems to be the worst response you could get to your marketing efforts. Rejection is […]
Facebook Page Comments Go Public
Today Facebook announced new changes at their f8 conference. There is always a lot of hoopla and excitement associated with this annual event, though I’ll reserve my comments for later. My ongoing promise to you is to not just report the news – but to give you a thoughtful perspective on what it means for […]
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