Converting Trust Into Profitable Outcomes

One of the most challenging steps in the sales and marketing process is the final conversion into a desirable outcome for the buyer and the seller. One reason for this is the terminology. The word conversion has a connotation bordering on manipulation. At the very least it suggests the transition is mechanical, like flipping a […]

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Relationship Selling in The Trust Economy

Relationship selling and social marketing are becoming one and the same, and this presents numerous advantages for any business that understands how the two work together. If you hate cold calling and the feeling of interrupting your best clients, then stop selling as you know it and get focused on helping. That’s the heart of […]

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Blog or Website: Why You Need Both

Do you track your content to better understand what drives the most traffic to your website If your site is built on the popular WordPress platform, this information is readily available using a number of plugins. It has been a while since I wrote Blog or Website: The Real Difference. Yet, that article still brings […]

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Facebook Buys WhatsApp: 3 Lessons for Your Business

WhatsApp is an instant messaging service for smartphones that has over 450 million users, and it is growing globally at a rate of one million users every day. How WhatsApp operates promises to influence Facebook as much as its mobile technology. Tweet this That has lessons that can help your business ensure its relevancy moving […]

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3 Steps to Building Your Content Marketing Mission Statement

As content marketing begins to go mainstream, it is now essential to make it better. Your business has a mission that clearly and succinctly defines why it exists. When you also develop a written mission statement for the content that drives engagement with your community, it will be easier to create more effective content. If […]

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Writing for The Web: 3 Important Tips

Before the web, writing a letter, an article, or even a book was straightforward. It was all about the content. These days your writing is likely to be published on the web, at least a portion of it, and that changes everything. Why Writing for the Web is Different In addition to building your audience, […]

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The Power of Purpose Driven Marketing

One of the major shifts in marketing that was readily apparent in many of the Super Bowl commercials is creating an emotional connection with the audience. How one feels about your business brand is memorable, because it takes meaningful content to create that feeling. Big brands are embracing purpose driven marketing because it’s proving to be […]

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Internet: The New Super Bowl of Marketing

The Super Bowl is an annual ritual that captures the attention of millions. This blend of entertainment is an orchestrated process of marketing the game itself, half-time show, and of course, the line-up of television advertising spots, but still entertainment online companies as adult services like use online marketing to advertise their products and get […]

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2014: The Year of Native Content

The evolution of content that drives social media engagement is clearly moving to a level that will test the skills and commitment of online business marketers. One reason for this is that we are no longer just working with, but also living in a world that expects content that perfectly suits their every need and […]

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How Feelings and Experiences Move Buyers to Action

Legendary sales trainer and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar often stated that selling is essentially a transference of feeling. While logic is part of our decision making equation, people are more often moved to action for emotional reasons – and that includes responding to your social media marketing. Understanding how to create contextual experiences that move people to […]

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