The New Rules of Information Marketing

One of my predictions for 2012 was that the quality of online content would rise to meet the expectations of the general public. To be honest, while that is exactly how things are playing out, even I have been surprised by some of the developments. When you make predictions, it’s easy to look back and […]

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Facebook Marketing – The 16% Solution?

  You just launched your Facebook business page and are excited that you have crossed the threshold of 100 fans. How many of them do you suppose will see your next post?  About 16. That’s right. Facebook has acknowledged what many of us have known for quite some time – and they have even quantified […]

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Google+ for Small Business: An Interview with Chris Brogan

In this interview, New York Times bestselling author Chris Brogan offers insights into the power of Google+ for small businesses. Google+ is an emerging social network that promises to challenge Facebook – especially in regards to its benefits for businesses. While Google+ is only a fraction of the size of Facebook, it is indeed backed […]

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Facebook Contest Engages Small Business

Once in a while you come across an opportunity that is a no-brainer – such as receiving FREE stuff. Facebook wants to help small businesses, and they believe the best way they can accomplish that is introducing you to the benefits of Facebook advertising. FREE Facebook Advertising So, they have launched a contest, one that […]

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Creating Addictive Marketing Content

One of the distinguishing qualities of successful marketers is they are passionate students of human behavior – more specifically, buying behavior. Human beings have innate tendencies that lead to actions – some favorable, and others not. Addictions are unfavorable behaviors that can develop very innocently. For example, exercise is a positive action that people take […]

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How Google is Like A Third Grader

You can dedicate yourself to learning the complexities of search optimization – though, you may discover that it can easily become a full-time job. For those of you that already have a full-time job, or a business to run, a better option is to learn the basics and apply some logic to achieving practical results. […]

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Google Search Plus – A New Game Changer

As Google continues to roll out their new Search, Plus Your World capabilities, there is already growing concern that they are compromising search results. Who are the most vocal objectors?  Naturally, their competitors – Facebook and Twitter. Google used to have an arrangement with Twitter to index their streaming firehose of real-time data, one which Twitter […]

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SEO for The Common Man

There are many that will have you believe that search engine optimization is a complicated science, which it certainly can be at it may be at its highest level. However, that is true with just about any endeavor. Just because you are not a culinary genius doesn’t mean you cannot cook a satisfying meal – […]

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2012 Social Media Predictions for Mainstream Small Business

The maturation of the social networking channels may well prove to be the tipping point for attracting a majority of mainstream small businesses who have yet to jump into this pond. One can understand the reluctance, especially as the noise level on the social networks continues to approach the breaking point. #1 – The Quality […]

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