Why Writers Should Practice Meditation – And How to Get Started

Meditation is usually associated with relaxation and stress release, but those outcomes are more accurately by-products of the practice. The true purpose of meditation is to quiet the mind. When that happens, all kinds of personal benefits ensue, including improved health and resiliency, greater awareness, and the spiritual awakening that comes from tapping into one’s […]

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Local Business Networks Intersect

Local businesses are their own location-specific network, and they tend to support each other and freely share without compromise. Now consider that there are countless local networks – and they all intersect. What is your business doing to tap into at least one of them? Local Businesses are More than Local When you buy local […]

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Advertising That Enhances the Media Experience Works

Advertising (especially digital) has earned a reputation as something interruptive, and therefore, unwanted. Selling earned the same reputation back in the days of the stereotypical fast talking salesmen. In both circumstances, the problem was not with the medium for communicating the message – it was the message itself. While social media has in many ways […]

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Being the Best Connected Business

In this connected economy, your marketing message is traveling through complex and interconnected networks of relationships. This is why marketing today is more than a process of earning the attention of people and engaging them with your business. It also requires that you do the same with their friends and influencers, and then theirs too […]

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Be the Best at What Matters Most

Successful companies seem to make everything look easy, because they have mastered their craft – doing only a few things, and sometimes just one thing better than any one else. In fact, the concept of business best practices is just that – doing what needs to be done and doing it well. In this interview with […]

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Memorable Marketing Content is Original, Fresh, and Personal

The practice of repurposing marketing content across multiple channels seems to be not only acceptable, but one that many online marketers encourage. Is repurposing marketing content really a good idea on a web that is rewarding original work?  Google Authorship in particular, as well as the periodic freshness updates by the search engine giant, all […]

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Let’s Keep in Touch

By now many of you have heard that this week Google announced effective July 1st  it is eliminating Google Reader, a tool that many of us have relied on to consume massive amounts of online content. Many of you are subscribed to this blog using Google Reader. So, in order for us to keep in touch, […]

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Google+ Goes Big and Bold

It is clear that Google+ is not sitting back waiting to see what Facebook does next. On the contrary, they are making bold moves. The recent redesign of Google+ promises to take it from an identity service to a true social destination that now boasts 500 million users. In the meantime, Facebook continues to roll out […]

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Winning the Social Media Overwhelm Race

Whenever you get behind in any race (assuming you are competitive) – there is a tendency to expend considerable effort to catch up – and that only depletes your resources, thereby pushing you even further behind. Of course, everyone falls behind at some point. This is when you need a new strategy to regain and […]

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Why I Write

Writing for me is a process of going to a place that is uniquely personal to create something of value. Meditation accomplishes the same thing, but how it works to manifest physical reality from thoughts is not as obvious. That said, I find it interesting that many of the writers I know also meditate. Writing is […]

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