The Difference Between Easy and Simple

Buyers are always seeking easy solutions – it’s human nature. And businesses often succeed by offering solutions that are simple. It’s not uncommon to consider easy and simple to be one in the same. However, when it comes to producing results for your customers, there can be a world of difference between the two. Easy […]

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Why Facebook Really Bought Instagram

The purchase of Instagram by Facebook is classic forward thinking – strategically preparing for where business is going. Instagram is a photo sharing application that also allows for creative enhancement of photos via a few clicks on your mobile device. Facebook isn’t buying technology – they are extending their reach into new communities on a […]

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3 Success Criteria for Any Business Marketing Platform

Historically, the greatest challenge for marketers was reaching their target audience. This not only required an understanding of marketing skills, but also relationships with the media and the dollars to engage their capabilities. Now anyone, and especially any business, can (and should) build a platform for reaching their ideal customers. The traditional barriers to building […]

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How to Capitalize on Digital

When ebooks began to emerge some years ago the common perception was they were not really books, just PDF’s masquerading as books. New research proves ebooks are not only for real, they are actually favored by the most voracious readers and those who are on-the-go and prefer to consume information from their mobile device. Quality […]

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3 Essential Social Media Community Leadership Practices

In an effort to to catch-up on their social media community building, businesses are overlooking the three common leadership practices that practically guarantee their success. Fortunately, the remedies are simple and straightforward. Following are three community building practices that apply to all of the social media networks – including your Facebook business page, company blog, […]

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Social Marketing is a Process

Social media marketing, now simply known as social marketing by many, is a strategic process that is designed to create a buzz that ultimately leads to profitable sales. The earliest modern marketers understood this – “Sell the sizzle, not the steak” was one popular catchphrase. Charles Revson was one of the masters of modern marketing. […]

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The Best Social Media Strategy

Finding your way with social media is not a linear process. This is a key reason why many small businesses are overwhelmed with it. To make matters even more confusing, many social media consultants, who often refer to themselves as strategists, prescribe complicated methods that keep their clients tethered to them for extended periods. There […]

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The New Rules of Information Marketing

One of my predictions for 2012 was that the quality of online content would rise to meet the expectations of the general public. To be honest, while that is exactly how things are playing out, even I have been surprised by some of the developments. When you make predictions, it’s easy to look back and […]

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Mobile Marketing with 2d Codes

This article by Jeff Korhan, now updated, first appeared on Social Media Examiner. Consumer behaviors are changing, and mobile technologies are among the predominant influences affecting the shift. More than 50% of all local web searches take place with mobile devices. This spells opportunity for businesses that have a mobile marketing strategy. Does your business have […]

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Facebook Marketing – The 16% Solution?

  You just launched your Facebook business page and are excited that you have crossed the threshold of 100 fans. How many of them do you suppose will see your next post?  About 16. That’s right. Facebook has acknowledged what many of us have known for quite some time – and they have even quantified […]

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