What Do You Want From Social Media?

  It’s human nature to make inquiries when discovering a new technology. What is it? And more importantly, what does it do? The right question is – what do you want it to do? Technology Now Demands More One of the reasons people are frustrated with technology is they have been conditioned to expect it to be […]

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Digital Marketing for Small Business

Digital marketing is nearing a point of critical mass, one that will take most small businesses by surprise. Information wants to be shared, and that is readily accomplished when it is captured digitally. Digital is universal, going all the way back to Einstein: E = MC2.  Digital marketing involves the free exchange of valuable information […]

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Social Media Channel Management

Media channels are designed to broadcast programming – but not just for anyone that happens to tune in. Channels are typically designed for a target audience that is most receptive to the content being delivered, and the medium delivering it. Thus, managing your social media channels requires a balance – one that carefully considers the […]

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Social and Mobile are Universally Global

While vacationing in Mexico this week, I could not help but notice that even in this developing country, mobile is not the future – it’s here now, and bigger than one might have expected. While the quality of running water in this little resort town may not be up to the standards most of us […]

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Personalization and Your Ideal Customer

People in general are attracted to those they resonate with. There is a perceived bond – a shared energy that may be subtle, yet nevertheless is often quite powerful for establishing a relationship of mutual trust. This is why personalization is now an essential consideration for every marketer that expects to build a sustainable business. […]

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Imitators and Redefining Expertise

In the pre-digital era of publishing, the printed word carried a great deal of authority. The assumption by the general public was that “they” would never print anything if it wasn’t true. Of course, back then publishing was confined to established media outlets that employed professionals who were held accountable. Now anyone can publish, and […]

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Business Assets and Relationships

The current economic conditions are redefining the valuation of business assets. Traditional hard assets convey tangible monetary value that is realized when they are bought and sold, ideally at higher values than when they were previously exchanged. But what happens when the exchange of these assets is a never-ending downward spiral that approaches zero valuation? […]

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Give Up Control of Your Brand

The customer may not always right, but they will always have a voice – and that gives them influence over your brand. Traditional marketing and advertising was a process in which the enterprise controlled the brand. They had the facts, the expertise, and the resources with which to shape the brand identity. Now customers can […]

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Practice and The Need to Fail

Getting results in business not only involves failure – it demands it.   The Only True Failure is Inaction If you are going to succeed at anything you have to take action. The only true failure is the failure to act – one that is often the result of fear. If you take action and […]

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Facebook Facts and Your Business

Pew Internet recently completed a study of Facebook user behaviors that provides valuable insights that can help you more effectively use Facebook to grow your circle of influence – and business opportunities. Facebook Friends are Not Real Friends Men and women especially, and all of us in general, differ on who we consider to be our […]

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