Social Business by Design

As Facebook approaches its public offering, CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg is making one thing very clear. “The world’s information infrastructure should resemble the social graph.” In other words, your business needs to be social by design. Virtually every business in every industry needs to redefine itself around social to be relevant with the changing […]

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Ambiance for Writers

Writing is a skill –  one that is highly sought after these days when there is such a thirst for quality online content. If you are a writer you know the challenges – including the distractions. Writers know that getting into and staying within “the zone” (or whatever you want to call it) is essential […]

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Google+ for Small Business: An Interview with Chris Brogan

In this interview, New York Times bestselling author Chris Brogan offers insights into the power of Google+ for small businesses. Google+ is an emerging social network that promises to challenge Facebook – especially in regards to its benefits for businesses. While Google+ is only a fraction of the size of Facebook, it is indeed backed […]

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Innovate or Die – The Race to The Top

Imagine a web with perfect search capabilities – one in which consumers have access to everything they want to know about your business and others just like it. Knowing that, would you operate differently than you are today? You can hope your prospects will not discover other sources that are cheaper or better than yours, […]

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Facebook Contest Engages Small Business

Once in a while you come across an opportunity that is a no-brainer – such as receiving FREE stuff. Facebook wants to help small businesses, and they believe the best way they can accomplish that is introducing you to the benefits of Facebook advertising. FREE Facebook Advertising So, they have launched a contest, one that […]

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Creating Addictive Marketing Content

One of the distinguishing qualities of successful marketers is they are passionate students of human behavior – more specifically, buying behavior. Human beings have innate tendencies that lead to actions – some favorable, and others not. Addictions are unfavorable behaviors that can develop very innocently. For example, exercise is a positive action that people take […]

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Presentation Skills for Marketers

Successful marketers know that presentation skills are just as important as the message – maybe more. The reason for this is every message is subject to interpretation, and the better it is presented the more likely the audience will draw from it the necessary elements that are going to be of value to them. Media […]

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How Google is Like A Third Grader

You can dedicate yourself to learning the complexities of search optimization – though, you may discover that it can easily become a full-time job. For those of you that already have a full-time job, or a business to run, a better option is to learn the basics and apply some logic to achieving practical results. […]

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Google Search Plus – A New Game Changer

As Google continues to roll out their new Search, Plus Your World capabilities, there is already growing concern that they are compromising search results. Who are the most vocal objectors?  Naturally, their competitors – Facebook and Twitter. Google used to have an arrangement with Twitter to index their streaming firehose of real-time data, one which Twitter […]

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