Why Real Time Business Blogging is Cool

Blogging has been around for the better part of a decade from some – and more than half that for many of the rest of us. At the BlogWorld Expo last week we learned from a Technorati survey that the majority of bloggers are hobby bloggers.  Only 13% classified themselves as entrepreneurs who blog to […]

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QR Code Customization and Branding

As QR codes gain increased acceptance, customizing and branding will enhance their value for your business. Customization of QR codes is ideally accomplished by skilled designers – with that investment ranging from hundreds to thousands of US dollars. Clearly, this is out of the reach of most small businesses.  One alternative is Unitag – a […]

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Google+ Pages for Business Are Now Open

Google+ has opened the doors for creating a presence for your business. Not surprisingly, Google+ has named these business profiles as pages – just as they are known over at Facebook. However, that’s where the similarities end. Google+ Pages are Simple and Flexible At 40 million users vs over 750 million for Facebook, Google+ nevertheless […]

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Let Your Customers Own Your Brand

There is nothing more important to branding than the customer and what they have to say. Traditionally, companies have filtered the conversations surrounding their brands. This is a tactic that gives the customer a reason not to trust your company. The reality is that customers today will be heard. They have many opportunities for accomplishing […]

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Why Great Writers Always Cross the Finish Line

Great writing is not something that naturally emerges from talented individuals. It is the result of doing the work until a result is achieved – regardless of whether that result meets with success. The attribute of  finishing what you start is what makes talented writers great – and competent writers better. Runners are often coached […]

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Workflowy is Your Mobile Productivity Tool

There are many cloud-based tools for managing your productivity – but Workflowy is one that is nicely optimized for your mobile device. My experience with productivity tools is they are short on features or too complicated. Simple tools allow me to make a list. Complicated tools capture tons of information that I am challenged with […]

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Your Content Marketing Store

Are you still having some challenges wrapping your arms around the concept of content marketing to increase your small business revenues? When I was conducting my Social Media Summit here in Chicago a few weeks ago I sensed that the concept was not resonating with some of the retailers in the group. It just so happens […]

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How Little Choices Increase the Value of Your Customer Experience

When you offer your customers the right choices, you create memorable experiences that increase the value of your business brand. Offering the wrong choices can drive customers away. So, the challenge is determining which are the right choices. It turns out the the best choices you can offer your customers are those that allow them […]

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Facebook Marketing for Dummies: An Interview with Amy Porterfield

Very few businesses dispute the value of Facebook marketing. Why then are so many still not taking advantage of this invaluable lead generation and business relationship building tool? According to Amy Porterfield, co-author of Facebook Marketing All-In-One for Dummies – it can be complicated. It was refreshing to learn that like many of us, Amy finds […]

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4 Tips for Using LinkedIn Classmates

Classmates is a new LinkedIn tool that could prove to be invaluable for both job seekers and businesses looking to break into new corporate accounts. You can use it to enhance your relationship with current connections that share an association with the colleges or universities you attended, connect with companies that are especially friendly with […]

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