You Are The Business

If you are the owner of a small business you know that you ARE the business. I’m not talking about wearing many hats, but the fact that your mere presence instills confidence in your customers. This is not only true for small businesses, but also for larger organizations such as Apple, Berkshire Hathaway, or Zappos – […]

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Is There Friction in Your Marketing?

Friction is becoming one of the new buzz words in the tech marketing space. It’s one that happens to resonate with me, and for good reason. Friction gives you a tangible mental picture with which to manage the customer experience associated with your marketing – allowing you to enhance it for everyone concerned. Frictionless Content […]

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3 Invaluable LinkedIn Tips

Business networking before social networking was tough work. You typically ended up with a stack of business cards in hand, with the challenge of determining your next best actions – who to follow up with and how. Soon after getting back to your office the phone rings and you are off the hook.  You settle […]

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Finding Your Way with Social Media

There is no template for using social media well.  You have to find your own way. There are indeed best practices you can follow.  However, adapting those to your business is something that is unique to it – including your company culture and the people you serve. As children, many of us were fascinated by […]

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Are You a Social Marketing Leader?

Small businesses typically play it safe when it comes to marketing – fishing in the same ponds as their competitors, and typically using the same bait. This includes publication advertising, trade shows, and direct mail. Could this explain why so many small businesses are slow to adopt social media practices? What’s missing? Leadership, innovation, and […]

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How the Facebook Contextual Engine Can Grow Your Business

Facebook is building a contextual search engine that will readily tell your story and connect you with new social and business opportunities. However, you have to make the effort to learn how to give it the information that it needs to help you. While it may seem that your Facebook experience is determined by Facebook, […]

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How to Succeed When Times are Up, Down, or Sideways

How is your business right now?  How are you right now? Most of us can say that we are doing well in some areas of our lives – with a desire to improve in others. One thing about challenging times is they not only make you more aware of what needs improvement, but also more […]

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Why Being Wrong is Right for Business

Businesses work very hard at being right in order to attract more business – and so do their competitors. If everyone is right there is no differentiation – and no sale. A better strategy is being wrong to be right. Trust Wins Customers Your marketing has to resonate with your audience at an emotional level. […]

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Why Baby Boomers Understand Social Media

If you are a baby-boomer or beyond you grew up with traditional media. You understand how traditional media works. They provide entertainment or educational content (including the news) – and in exchange for their hard work you accept commercials and other forms of advertising. That’s the deal. Traditional Media You and I were trained to […]

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Get to Know Your Marketing Angels and Demons

When you are creating marketing content for your small business there is a demon on one shoulder and an angel on the other. The challenge is determining how that devil is working against you – and the angel for you. In other words – what do they represent when it comes to your creative process […]

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