Free Digital Photos

Photos and videos make your online content come alive – and your social networking more engaging. An image often IS the story with social networking.  However, with content marketing you usually need a photo to give your story that extra something that will get it consumed and shared. If you do not have photos of […]

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Working with Rejection

Learning to accept rejection is a bad policy. Learning  from rejection is a practice that could prove to be highly valuable to your small business marketing efforts. If you are a marketer, you know about rejection.  On the surface rejection seems to be the worst response you could get to your marketing efforts. Rejection is […]

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Facebook Page Comments Go Public

Today Facebook announced new changes at their f8 conference. There is always a lot of hoopla and excitement associated with this annual event, though I’ll reserve my comments for later. My ongoing promise to you is to not just report the news – but to give you a thoughtful perspective on what it means for […]

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Facebook Gets Friendlier with Smart Lists

If you are actively using any of the social networks, your community of friends, fans, or followers has grown beyond what you can capably manage. Google+ came up with an imaginative method for tackling this challenge with circles – which were intended to emulate our real-life social circles.  These social circles can be distinct or overlap […]

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Follow Me on Facebook

Facebook has added a new subscribers feature to personal profiles that indeed indicates they are keeping a close eye on Google+ and Twitter – and borrowing a few ideas as well. One of the advantages of strengths of Facebook is that it is personal. Business is now personal. You can no longer separate your business […]

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5 Best Practices for a Successful QR code Marketing Campaign

Are you wondering how to use QR codes to enhance your marketing? This article (now updated) first appeared in Social Media Examiner where I am a regular contributor.  It’s another great resource to help you with your small business marketing.  Why QR codes? QR and other two-dimensional (2D) codes can be readily integrated into your current […]

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5 Reasons for Using a Blog Post Template

What comes to mind when you hear the word template? For most people, its the thought of following a cookie-cutter formula that practically ensures the creation of mediocre work. On the contrary, using a template reminds you of the essential components that most reliably produce your best work – and more readily help you to […]

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Write a Letter

The most effective marketing tactics are uncommon. This is why the now uncommon practice of writing and sending physical letters can make your marketing more real, distinctive, and memorable.  During our long holiday weekend here in the United States I decided to step back from my business and take the time to consider what have been […]

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TinyLetter Simplifies Email Newsletters

Today MailChimp acquired TinyLetter to provide email newsletters capabilities for anyone that can send an email. Seriously, it’s that easy. Want proof.  Notice how they get you started by having you select your username – which then becomes the sign-up URL for your newsletter. In other words, one step at a time. Oh, and like […]

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What is Your Marketing Key Note?

The night before my keynote presentation to independent retailers this past weekend, I was testing and preparing the final details for the next morning. Just before knocking off for the evening I decided to clean up my blog reader.  That’s when I discovered some new research that reinforced the key note or point of my […]

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