3 Types of Authenticity

Authenticity is one of those qualities that is not easily defined. It would be more accurate to state that authenticity is defined by different people in different ways – at least that has been my observation. For quite some time we have been talking about authenticity here on the social networks.  And this week at […]

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Why Should We Hire Your Company?

Can you readily provide specific, quantifiable, and relevant evidence that justifies hiring your company? Surprisingly, most companies cannot – not really.  They offer up intangibles such as great customer service, longevity in business, and things of this nature. When you consider how much work goes into attracting new business, doesn’t it make sense to be […]

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4 Ways to Clean Up Your Site for SEO

You already know that serving up valuable content that gets consumed and shared is the primary way to have your site ranked higher by Google – especially if those inbound links are from other sites of authority. Did you also know that Google interprets subtle signals that your site may be sending that could be […]

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Google Adwords Express for Local Small Businesses

Yesterday Google launched Adwords Express for local small businesses. This video that Google created to promote Adwords is not necessarily instructional, but it is entertaining – and should serve as a wake-up call to local small businesses who are relying on traditional methods to generate leads. Your Local Small Business Indeed, there are many small […]

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Blog Commenting Guidelines

Commenting is what makes a blog article a living and breathing document. When you make insightful, witty, or thought-provoking comments, you encourage a dialogue that adds value for the entire community of the blog – for today and into the future when new readers happen along. Our Blog Commenting Guidelines 1. Be Yourself 2. Be […]

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Better Business Practices

Business consultants love to talk about best practices because it makes their job easier – and they are not alone. Many contractors, educators, and salespeople do the same. They have a few solutions that they have perfected – then they apply them to problems that may or may not fit that solution. That’s the problem. […]

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Google Sees a Web of People

Google’s VP of Social, Vic Gundotra, admits that a web of pages is nothing without the context of the people associated with them. If you have time to watch the 30 minute video, you will gain some valuable insights about Google’s future plans for their suite of services. As a marketer, you know that when […]

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The Laws of Nature Apply To Your Online Communities

Nature is comprised of ecosystems – and your online communities mirror their characteristics. In TJ Smith previous career, in the green industry, I wore many hats, one of them being that of a certified arborist – a tree care professional. This week we are having a heat wave in the Midwest and trees in particular […]

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Will Google+ Be an Email Killer?

What happens when you combine the world’s largest search engine and email provider on a red-hot social networking site? Google has already integrated killer search capabilities into Gmail, which accounts for approximately 38% of all email usage worldwide. Now they are inviting you to import your Gmail contacts into Google+.  In addition to that, you […]

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Paid to Speak

If you are creating quality content for your community, you will enhance its value by sharing it in as many forms of communication as possible – both online and offline. One possibility is to speak publicly at events in your industry. While you may be reluctant to present in front of a live audience, the honor […]

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