Typepad vs WordPress – Pros and Cons

One advantage of having a unique domain for your blog is you can export your entire blog from WordPress Optimisation to TypePad or vice-versa.  Even if you are loyal to one platform, you never know with mergers and such if there will be a desire to make a change down the road.  So, do this.  […]

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How to Stay Motivated

Motivation is one of those subjects that people tend to feel strongly about – almost like politics.  You may read or hear such declarations as this:  Nobody can motivate you – you have to motivate yourself. This may be true.  However, others definitely can inspire us take action.  In that sense, they indeed do motivate […]

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How To Tighten Up Your Business Model

Smart businesses understand that a tight description of how their business model will accomplish its objectives – in one or two sentences, is essential for their success. A Sprint or a Marathon? Tech start-ups especially need this high level of clarity because their business cycle is short, one that could be only a matter of […]

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Give Bing a Chance

Google still stands tall as the king of search – controlling nearly 65% of the market. However, Bing is giving them a run, thanks in part to their partnership with Facebook. The Future of Web Search is Social Google and Bing both understand the future of the search is going social.  Why? Because that’s where […]

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Jeff Korhan Moves to WordPress

Many of you know that I have been blogging on the TypePad platform for more than five years – on this blog and few I have since abandoned.  While I will still recommend TypePad to small businesses who are new to blogging, it is time for this blogger to get on a faster horse if […]

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How to Make Your Video Go Viral

To make your video go viral you can create a video of someone doing something incredibly stupid, or you can take your passion for what you are doing and pour that into understanding and caring for your market – your customers. Then create content that makes their lives easier or better in some way. They will do the rest after that.

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How You Can Grow Your Business with QR Codes

Quick Response (QR) codes and other two-dimensional (2D) codes are expected to achieve widespread use this year – and for good reason. Consumers want immediate access to what’s relevant and QR codes are being used to make that possible.

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How to Encourage Social Media Sharing

The purpose of sharing online content is to encourage interaction, engagement, and collaboration. There is an art to this form of content marketing. An effective approach is to create an enjoyable experience that is likely to lead to more sharing.

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How to Start a Blog

Despite the millions of blogs in the blogosphere, it is still a fact that the percentage of small business bloggers in any industry other than technology is less than 10%, and probably much closer to 1%. Let’s take a look at some of the common challenges, some solutions for overcoming or working around them, and […]

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Typepad vs WordPress Series – Own Your Blog

  This is the first in a series of posts in which I will compare the two most favored blog platforms, Typepad and WordPress.  The purpose of this is not to crown a winner in a contest, rather to help you find the blogging platform that is right for you. One of the difficulties in […]

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