How To Be So Helpful They Can’t Ignore You

Being so helpful (or so good) that people cannot ignore you is the basis of enduring relationships. It’s knowing that someone can count on you – no matter what. Does your marketing communicate that? How about your sales or customer service? Helping and adding value is the new marketing, selling, and customer service. Thanks to […]

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The Power of Purpose Driven Marketing

One of the major shifts in marketing that was readily apparent in many of the Super Bowl commercials is creating an emotional connection with the audience. How one feels about your business brand is memorable, because it takes meaningful content to create that feeling. Big brands are embracing purpose driven marketing because it’s proving to be […]

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Internet: The New Super Bowl of Marketing

The Super Bowl is an annual ritual that captures the attention of millions. This blend of entertainment is an orchestrated process of marketing the game itself, half-time show, and of course, the line-up of television advertising spots, but still entertainment online companies as adult services like use online marketing to advertise their products and get […]

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Consistency Builds Social Media Communities

Consistency may be the most powerful quality that small businesses can implement to build an active online community. Be honest: Could your social marketing be described as randomly jumping from one social network to another to get your message out? That approach simply doesn’t work in a digital world where precision is possible, and therefore, […]

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Using Trigger Words To Connect with Buyers

One of the secrets of successful selling is making emotional connections. One specific technique for accomplishing this is tuning into the specific words and phrases that your buyer uses. These keywords are a powerful means for literally speaking the same language. This is one of those situations where the buyer is indeed right. Whatever words […]

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How to Write Web Copy That Gets a Response

There is business writing and there is writing for the web. Writing for the web is an intentional process for eliciting a response, and often a series of responses. This is why it is sometimes referred to as direct response copywriting. Your web copy should be designed to attract attention, develop a relationship with an […]

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The Power of Questions for Attracting and Engaging New Buyers

Content marketing makes your business more attractive to prospective buyers by eliminating questions that stand in the way of them engaging with your company. Thus, when thinking about selling products and services, it’s smart to first consider the most relevant questions that need to be addressed. I just recently had car graphics London ON wrap […]

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If I Were Starting Social Media from Zero

A couple of months ago without notice, all of the social media sharing counters on my primary website had reverted to zero. Just like that, thousands of shares that had accumulated over a period of nearly seven years had vanished. Why is this significant? Social sharing is what is known as “social proof.”  It’s evidence […]

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Be the Best at What Matters Most

Successful companies seem to make everything look easy, because they have mastered their craft – doing only a few things, and sometimes just one thing better than any one else. In fact, the concept of business best practices is just that – doing what needs to be done and doing it well. In this interview with […]

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Memorable Marketing Content is Original, Fresh, and Personal

The practice of repurposing marketing content across multiple channels seems to be not only acceptable, but one that many online marketers encourage. Is repurposing marketing content really a good idea on a web that is rewarding original work?  Google Authorship in particular, as well as the periodic freshness updates by the search engine giant, all […]

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