The One Right Thing Practice

What one thing if you did it consistently will have a major impact on your business this year? The challenge is simple:  Focus on what matters most and do it with unwavering consistency. This may seem like one challenge – but there are two essential components to it. #1 – Doing What’s Right Our society […]

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Thank You All

It is Thanksgiving here in the United States and I’d like to thank all of you that have crossed my path, and those who will do so some time in the near future. Thank You Friends I am thankful for how social media has connected me with so many interesting people that I would not have […]

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How Humor Makes Your Business Better

No more funny business! Are you sure? In reality, adding more fun to how you approach and operate your business will significantly enhance it – for you and your customers. This isn’t about laughing all the way, more like appreciating every event, relationship, failure, and situation for what it is – a way to connect […]

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The Crowded Bar Test

The crowded bar test is a simple method for determining the best words or phrasing to communicate an essential message – especially in distracting environments or circumstances where attention spans are short, which of course is most of the time in our fast-paced business environment. Memorable is More Important Than Meaning Whether you are launching […]

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Specific Solutions are Better

Has your company lost business to one whose solutions are inferior to yours? We have all experienced this frustration, and the truth is it is our own fault. The only reason anyone settles for a lesser solution is because they are not aware of what is better. When this happens, the problem is usually the […]

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Imitators and Redefining Expertise

In the pre-digital era of publishing, the printed word carried a great deal of authority. The assumption by the general public was that “they” would never print anything if it wasn’t true. Of course, back then publishing was confined to established media outlets that employed professionals who were held accountable. Now anyone can publish, and […]

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Innovate or Die – The Race to The Top

Imagine a web with perfect search capabilities – one in which consumers have access to everything they want to know about your business and others just like it. Knowing that, would you operate differently than you are today? You can hope your prospects will not discover other sources that are cheaper or better than yours, […]

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Creating Addictive Marketing Content

One of the distinguishing qualities of successful marketers is they are passionate students of human behavior – more specifically, buying behavior. Human beings have innate tendencies that lead to actions – some favorable, and others not. Addictions are unfavorable behaviors that can develop very innocently. For example, exercise is a positive action that people take […]

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Presentation Skills for Marketers

Successful marketers know that presentation skills are just as important as the message – maybe more. The reason for this is every message is subject to interpretation, and the better it is presented the more likely the audience will draw from it the necessary elements that are going to be of value to them. Media […]

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