Innovate or Die – The Race to The Top

Imagine a web with perfect search capabilities – one in which consumers have access to everything they want to know about your business and others just like it. Knowing that, would you operate differently than you are today? You can hope your prospects will not discover other sources that are cheaper or better than yours, […]

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Google Search Plus – A New Game Changer

As Google continues to roll out their new Search, Plus Your World capabilities, there is already growing concern that they are compromising search results. Who are the most vocal objectors?  Naturally, their competitors – Facebook and Twitter. Google used to have an arrangement with Twitter to index their streaming firehose of real-time data, one which Twitter […]

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Are Competitors Your New Business Partners?

One of the trends in business today is reframing your perspective to open more doors and maximize your growth opportunities. In that regard, consider who knows nearly as much about your business as you do? And who knows as much (or more) about your industry and markets as you do? You can identify these organizations […]

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The Best of Jeff Korhan 2011

2011 proved to be a positive year for small business marketers – one in which social media and other forms of online marketing moved further into the mainstream. Smart business marketers have begun to realize that social is not just a layer to add to their marketing, but an essential component that has to be […]

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In Content We Trust

Consumers have always sought information to help them make better buying decisions. Prior to social media, content was distributed via traditional media outlets – radio, television, and newspapers. According to a recent study by Pew Research Center, Internet search is the leading source of information for consumers making decisions with respect to local businesses. Surprisingly, […]

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Facebook Timeline is Your People Magazine

Facebook Timeline is much more than an improved interface for enhancing the user experience. The magazine style format of Facebook Timeline promises to change how Facebook is used – by creating greater awareness that every user is indeed an online publisher. When one assumes the role of a publisher, as opposed to that of a […]

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Customer Experience Defines Your Brand

Every entrepreneurial venture starts with a vision. That vision is an intention – one that guides the early course of the business. It’s one that shapes business practices to build customer loyalty and sustain growth. Eventually, there comes a time when customers have a vision that defines your brand – one that is largely determined […]

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5 Best Practices for Local Small Business

Today is Small Business Saturday – a day dedicated to supporting small businesses in local communities. Much of the publicity surrounding this marketing effort to create awareness for small businesses is on the word small. Yet, isn’t being local more relevant? Location is often what differentiates small businesses that are part of the fabric of […]

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The Biggest Risk is Not Taking Any Risks

The headline of this article is a direct quote from an interview with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, when he addressed a group of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. In it, he noted that some companies move too slow, and a few too fast. The challenge is to find your place in the middle. This is good advice even […]

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Planning for Mobile with 20/20 Hindsight

Those of us who did not grow up with mobile technologies have an advantage. Before mobile we did something that is not now a common practice.  We planned. Even as digital technologies emerged, we continued to plan to assuage the high costs of using the technology. So, notwithstanding the serendipitous benefits of mobile, we learned […]

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