Let Your Customers Own Your Brand

There is nothing more important to branding than the customer and what they have to say. Traditionally, companies have filtered the conversations surrounding their brands. This is a tactic that gives the customer a reason not to trust your company. The reality is that customers today will be heard. They have many opportunities for accomplishing […]

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The Biggest Social Media Risk

We all know the excuses for not using social media – not being very good with technology, not enough time, and not willing to be that visible. Of course, there are many more reasons why small business are not taking advantage of the opportunities that social media offers them. What’s the biggest risk with regards […]

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Why You Should Design Your Business Around Social

“The social version of anything is more engaging and will outperform non-social.” That’s a direct quote from an interview with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg at the 2010 Web 2.0 Summit. He noted that we are all hard-wired to connect and engage with other people. This followed his comment that “Over the next 5 years most […]

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Workflowy is Your Mobile Productivity Tool

There are many cloud-based tools for managing your productivity – but Workflowy is one that is nicely optimized for your mobile device. My experience with productivity tools is they are short on features or too complicated. Simple tools allow me to make a list. Complicated tools capture tons of information that I am challenged with […]

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How Little Choices Increase the Value of Your Customer Experience

When you offer your customers the right choices, you create memorable experiences that increase the value of your business brand. Offering the wrong choices can drive customers away. So, the challenge is determining which are the right choices. It turns out the the best choices you can offer your customers are those that allow them […]

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4 Tips for Using LinkedIn Classmates

Classmates is a new LinkedIn tool that could prove to be invaluable for both job seekers and businesses looking to break into new corporate accounts. You can use it to enhance your relationship with current connections that share an association with the colleges or universities you attended, connect with companies that are especially friendly with […]

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3 Invaluable LinkedIn Tips

Business networking before social networking was tough work. You typically ended up with a stack of business cards in hand, with the challenge of determining your next best actions – who to follow up with and how. Soon after getting back to your office the phone rings and you are off the hook.  You settle […]

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Finding Your Way with Social Media

There is no template for using social media well.  You have to find your own way. There are indeed best practices you can follow.  However, adapting those to your business is something that is unique to it – including your company culture and the people you serve. As children, many of us were fascinated by […]

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How to Succeed When Times are Up, Down, or Sideways

How is your business right now?  How are you right now? Most of us can say that we are doing well in some areas of our lives – with a desire to improve in others. One thing about challenging times is they not only make you more aware of what needs improvement, but also more […]

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Facebook Gets Friendlier with Smart Lists

If you are actively using any of the social networks, your community of friends, fans, or followers has grown beyond what you can capably manage. Google+ came up with an imaginative method for tackling this challenge with circles – which were intended to emulate our real-life social circles.  These social circles can be distinct or overlap […]

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