Ask Your Customers the Tough Questions

What is the most valuable, and and yet underutilized resource in your business? For most small businesses, it is your customers – and what they will tell you if you ask them properly. If you believe this to be true – as I do, then the challenge is determining the best questions to ask them […]

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It’s Only a Matter of Time

Years ago we used to joke about not knowing how to program our VHS recorders. Eventually the pain of missing our favorite television programs forced us to learn. That piece of technology was for entertainment.  Now technology has become essential to running a smart business. One of those technologies is web marketing, which includes social […]

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How Giving Your Customers Your Best Energizes Your Business

Are you giving your customers more than the competition? How about your absolute best? Both approaches will enable you to keep their business.  One of them will make you better for all of your customers – while also helping you to attract new ones. This weekend we successfully moved my daughter into the house she is […]

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3 Types of Authenticity

Authenticity is one of those qualities that is not easily defined. It would be more accurate to state that authenticity is defined by different people in different ways – at least that has been my observation. For quite some time we have been talking about authenticity here on the social networks.  And this week at […]

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Intentional Engagement is Your Responsibility

The social web is a big place that is only getting bigger and more complex. Now is a good time to reign it in to more effectively engage and accomplish your personal and small business objectives. Every day we all associate with a few more friends, fans, and followers.  For the most part, that’s why […]

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Blog Commenting Guidelines

Commenting is what makes a blog article a living and breathing document. When you make insightful, witty, or thought-provoking comments, you encourage a dialogue that adds value for the entire community of the blog – for today and into the future when new readers happen along. Our Blog Commenting Guidelines 1. Be Yourself 2. Be […]

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Google Sees a Web of People

Google’s VP of Social, Vic Gundotra, admits that a web of pages is nothing without the context of the people associated with them. If you have time to watch the 30 minute video, you will gain some valuable insights about Google’s future plans for their suite of services. As a marketer, you know that when […]

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Start with Listening to Your Customers

Listening is the foundation of all successful relationships. And business has always been about relationships – now more than ever.  So, why are small businesses confused about where to start with social media? My hunch is it is that word marketing.  Traditional marketing is push marketing – something along the lines of buy my stuff […]

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What If You Could Start Fresh with Social Media?

For most of us, our social networking communities were randomly created – they developed organically as we learned new media. Now you have thousands of followers on Twitter and hundreds of “friends” on Facebook that you have never met.  It’s a fact we all know. What if you could apply the learning you have acquired […]

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Small Business Any Way You Like It

If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner you chose that path for several reasons – with freedom being high on your list. Ironically,  that is often one of the first things you sacrifice. Small Business Freedoms There are many types of freedoms associated with running your own business.  If you are not careful, […]

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