Wajam is Social Search

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have immediate access to the wisdom and expertise of your friends when you need it the most? Meet Wajam – a new search engine that serves up search results from what is shared among your social networking friends. Ever since Facebook launched the social sharing Like button in April of […]

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How to Successfully Launch and Propel Your Business Upward

Do you have a great business idea but don’t know where to start?  Is your small business stuck? Michael Stelzner is someone who has successfully met both challenges – and he describes how you can do the same in his newly released book. In Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition, Mike shares […]

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Creativity is Just Connecting Things

The title of this article is a quote by Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Is it a valid statement? Here’s a personal example that will help you to decide for yourself. First Start with Awareness Too often we think of creativity as a complicated process that only works when the stars align – when everything is […]

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Why Groupon is Bad for Small Business

Groupon is like Super Bowl advertising. It definitely creates awareness, but it does so at a price – one with consequences that should be carefully considered. Much has been written about the direct costs of running a Groupon campaign. However, it’s the side effects that bother me.  And they extend long after that Groupon has […]

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How To Run a Smarter Business

Running a smarter business is an uncomplicated endeavor – provided there is a clear vision, a process for systematically learning from mistakes, and a commitment to productive habits. Know Where You are Going A clear vision of the value your company provides to a specific community is essential. Surprisingly, this beginning step is where most […]

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Planely Enhances Productivity for Business Travel and Events

Planely is the social app I would have created years ago if I had the technical capabilities to do so.  Extend Your Networking Beyond Events Every year I attend many conventions, expos, and events – sometimes to stay current in my profession, but more often because I am a speaker at the event. What’s the […]

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What Is Your Social Media Vision?

It was no more than a few years ago that we had no idea where social media was going.  Nevertheless, many of us intuitively knew that we should get on board to see where where it could take us. After a fair amount of work, a great deal of trial and error, and a few […]

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3 Ways to Earn the Respect of Your Community

For some time now I have been considering joint venture opportunities – partnering with others on projects of a larger scope or duration than I can handle alone. I mentioned this to my wife last week and she asked what skill sets I was looking for in a partner.  My mind went blank because I […]

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The Best Source of Business Advice

Have you ever asked yourself what the best business advice was that your ever received? When I was recently asked this question recently, more than a few ideas and habits came to mind – from my parents, consultants and coaches I’ve hired, and friends. However, what I came to realize is the best business advice […]

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Customer Service is Moving Online

When the telephone rings (or however it notifies you) – and you know the call is coming from one of your customers, you answer it. Then why do companies establish a presence on the social networks and let comments and tweets go unanswered? I don’t know either. I do know that your customers expect you […]

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