How to Stay Motivated

Motivation is one of those subjects that people tend to feel strongly about – almost like politics.  You may read or hear such declarations as this:  Nobody can motivate you – you have to motivate yourself. This may be true.  However, others definitely can inspire us take action.  In that sense, they indeed do motivate […]

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How You Can Grow Your Business with QR Codes

Quick Response (QR) codes and other two-dimensional (2D) codes are expected to achieve widespread use this year – and for good reason. Consumers want immediate access to what’s relevant and QR codes are being used to make that possible.

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How to Encourage Social Media Sharing

The purpose of sharing online content is to encourage interaction, engagement, and collaboration. There is an art to this form of content marketing. An effective approach is to create an enjoyable experience that is likely to lead to more sharing.

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How to Start a Blog

Despite the millions of blogs in the blogosphere, it is still a fact that the percentage of small business bloggers in any industry other than technology is less than 10%, and probably much closer to 1%. Let’s take a look at some of the common challenges, some solutions for overcoming or working around them, and […]

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Managing Negative Comments on the Web

Responding well to negative comments starts with being the first to find them. You will eventually find an unflattering comment made about you or your business. Yet, in virtually every situation those comments can be managed to create favorable outcomes. Most of them are the result of misunderstandings.  And once in a while, you run […]

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