Nurture Marketing: How to Be Remembered When Buyers are Ready

This is Episode 36 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Randall Craig attributes his business success to the implementation of systems that automate strategic touchpoints for adding value and nurturing relationships with prospective buyers and clients. Think of it as content marketing on autopilot. When you listen to the audio you will probably […]

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How to Tell Your Business Story

I’m often asked how one should go about telling their business story. There is often confusion about whether the story should be about the business and what it does, or about the customer and how they are served by the business. To show you how this works I’m going to break down and reconstruct a […]

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Social Selling: Getting Buyers to Know, Like and Trust Your Business

This is Episode 33 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Today we are going to talk about social selling, more specifically, using social media to sell. Some people will tell you that you cannot use social media to sell. In my opinion that is because they do not understand successful selling is not […]

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Subscription Relationships: How to Build Sustainable Business Value

This is Episode 31 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Our guest this week is John Warrillow. If you don’t know John you will want to get to know his work because it will change how you think about your business, your industry, and most important, your customer. It should not be surprising […]

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Content Warfare: Writing a Marketing Anthem

This is Episode 30 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. In this episode we welcome Ryan Hanley back as our first repeat guest. If you have considered writing a book, you’ll be interested in learning the unique approach Ryan used to self-publish Content Warfare, his first book. There’s more. You’ll learn Ryan’s storytelling […]

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Human Content Curation: How It Builds Your Business Brand

In addition to redesigning your original content to meet the varied needs of your audience, you should strongly consider curating content from other sources that are also recognized authorities in your space. We’ve all learned to ignore automated “set it and forget it” methods of content curation. However, a trend you should be aware of […]

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International Selling: How to Be Ready for The Next Opportunity

This is Episode 27 of This Old New Business business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Martin Limbeck is an international selling expert with extensive experience working with both American and European companies. Regardless of apparent differences such as language and culture, we’re all human beings. This is why Martin likes to say: selling is selling. So, if you […]

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Modern Media: How to Build Your Business Reputation

This is Episode 26 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Gini Dietrich and I had a great conversation about the evolution of modern media in this episode, from the days when it was predominantly self-serving to where we are today. Being truthful, most of us will admit we’re still getting comfortable with learning […]

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Business Communication: How to Build Relationships with Technology

This is Episode 25 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. You’ll find this episode to be an easy listen because Terry Brock is a natural storyteller. In addition to being a Hall of Fame speaker, Terry is known for discovering useful technologies, but more important, he has a knack for finding creative ways […]

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Business Podcasting: How To Start a Podcast

This is Episode 24 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. This is the 2nd of a two-part series on business podcasting. Last week we discussed How Every Business Can Benefit from Podcasting. In this episode we go into detail on how to get started. Note: There are some affiliate links associated with a […]

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