How Content Marketing Prepares Buyers to Sign On The Line

Need a reason to embrace content marketing? People tend to fear what they do not understand. Therefore, they are unlikely to work with your business if they do not understand your process for helping them. Your current customers are your customers because you have earned they trust. They know, like, and understand you and your […]

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How to Use Social Media to Grow Your Email Subscribers

During my networking at Social Media Marketing World this year I had the opportunity to talk with some of the top experts in the world about Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, and more. Given their respective areas of focus, it should not be surprising that they all take a slightly different approach with their social media. […]

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Should Your Business Accept Blog Comments

One of the top blogs on the web recently discontinued comments, and this came as a surprise to their community. The truth is many of us have struggled with comments over the years on our blogs. This is one reason why notable marketer Seth Godin discontinued comments on his blog way back in 2006. During […]

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Relationship Selling is a Commitment Process

Are you familiar with the negotiating practice of asking for a commitment for a commitment. It’s an important one for building and sustaining relationships, and that makes it essential for successful sales professionals and online marketers Selling is A Series of Mini-Commitments Especially in regards to online marketing, there is often the unrealistic expectation of […]

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How Your Business Can Help Its Ideal Customers

Do you understand the primary problems that challenge your ideal customers? If your business is intensely focused on relationships, then it is continually learning about the most relevant problems for which it can be the solution. To attract new customers, they must immediately know your business understands their problems, and can offer relevant solutions for […]

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Converting Trust Into Profitable Outcomes

One of the most challenging steps in the sales and marketing process is the final conversion into a desirable outcome for the buyer and the seller. One reason for this is the terminology. The word conversion has a connotation bordering on manipulation. At the very least it suggests the transition is mechanical, like flipping a […]

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Relationship Selling in The Trust Economy

Relationship selling and social marketing are becoming one and the same, and this presents numerous advantages for any business that understands how the two work together. If you hate cold calling and the feeling of interrupting your best clients, then stop selling as you know it and get focused on helping. That’s the heart of […]

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The Relationship Selling Mindset

Many years ago one of my best customers asked me an important question after we had concluded our business transaction. What’s next? He asked this question for a specific reason, and that was to help me understand how to better help him. Every business should know what should be happening next in their business. This […]

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Blog or Website: Why You Need Both

Do you track your content to better understand what drives the most traffic to your website If your site is built on the popular WordPress platform, this information is readily available using a number of plugins. It has been a while since I wrote Blog or Website: The Real Difference. Yet, that article still brings […]

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Influencer Marketing: Shine a Light That Reflects on Your Business

  Recently a friend who is skilled with social media marketing asked me for some help with an event that his non-profit hosts. While explaining this strategy to him I realized it does not have a name; now it does. It’s the title of this article. If you know your industry or niche well, you […]

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