How Consistent Content Marketing Builds Your Community

Does the media always deliver? Maybe not always, but they do tend to show up as scheduled. That’s one of the keys to building your community with content marketing. A business chooses when it is available for serving customers. Since content marketing is designed to provide value for prospective buyers with the intent of encouraging profitable customer actions, […]

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The Power of Purpose Driven Marketing

One of the major shifts in marketing that was readily apparent in many of the Super Bowl commercials is creating an emotional connection with the audience. How one feels about your business brand is memorable, because it takes meaningful content to create that feeling. Big brands are embracing purpose driven marketing because it’s proving to be […]

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2014: The Year of Native Content

The evolution of content that drives social media engagement is clearly moving to a level that will test the skills and commitment of online business marketers. One reason for this is that we are no longer just working with, but also living in a world that expects content that perfectly suits their every need and […]

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How Feelings and Experiences Move Buyers to Action

Legendary sales trainer and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar often stated that selling is essentially a transference of feeling. While logic is part of our decision making equation, people are more often moved to action for emotional reasons – and that includes responding to your social media marketing. Understanding how to create contextual experiences that move people to […]

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How Live Events Enhance Social Networking and Marketing

In the days before digital, if you wanted to network you had to get out of the office. That’s where we developed relationships and consummated deals.Telephones were only used to supplement those live interactions. Live events are where you experience firsthand the energy and enthusiasm of other like-minded people who share your interests and business […]

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The New Motivational Speaker

The business of educating, inspiring, and educating audiences can be one of the most rewarding careers when the audience gets everything they expected and more. This is the challenge for professional speakers and meeting planners These days audiences are better educated, and thanks to abundant digital and social media, have pretty much seen and heard it all. […]

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Build Confidence and Trust with Sales and Marketing Debriefs

When I began my career as an entry level salesperson for a major oil company I was required to debrief every single sales call. Back then I dictated everything into a recording device. It was then transcribed and circulated to the sales and management team. The debrief is a skill that surprisingly few people practice.  The […]

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How to Write Emails that Get a Response

Email is invaluable for communicating with customers, with its effectiveness significantly increased when care is taken to adapt to the new expectations of this powerful form or communication. Many of the web marketing practices you are using to get your online content read and acted upon will also work equally well to do the same […]

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Collaborative Sales Practices that Engage Buyers

Selling directly to buyers is a standard business practice that is being transformed into a more collaborative sales process. Progressive businesses are now working together with customers to create shared experiences by co-creating solutions with buyers to give them what is often greater or more exciting than they would have imagined. Buyers do not always know […]

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