Connected Economy Alignment is Value

In this connected economy, the challenge is not connectivity – but alignment. If you look for differences you will find them; and if you seek alignment, cooperation, and collaboration, you will find that too. This is why learning to effectively manage your business networks is without question the key to your business success. Alignment is […]

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Social Marketing is Relationship Selling

Mainstream small business will more reliably get better results from social media if they view it more as selling than marketing. Why? Because effective relationship selling is personal, and now marketing is too. As social influences continue to profoundly affect business, just about every business activity is going to require relationship building skills. Traditional marketing or advertising was […]

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Social Media is Still Uncharted Waters

When you are embarking on a journey whose destination is uncertain, you have to get comfortable with uncertainty. When it comes to social media, uncertainty has been, and for the foreseeable future, will necessarily be part of its use in your marketing equation. These are uncharted waters. Everyone is still learning. So, small businesses simply […]

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Why The Best Products are Souvenirs

Marketing expert Seth Godin has more than once noted that a book is souvenir – a vessel for ideas that allows them to be readily used and shared. I believe we can further expand on that idea. Have you ever considered that the products and services your small business creates are souvenirs too? What Exactly […]

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Small Business Social Media Accountability

Recent tragic events here in the United States (and around the world) have heightened awareness of the global reach of media, especially social media, and the consequences for businesses using it. Small business advertising has historically been local, making it easy to craft messaging that is appropriate for the targeted audience. However, now any piece […]

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Let’s Keep in Touch

By now many of you have heard that this week Google announced effective July 1st  it is eliminating Google Reader, a tool that many of us have relied on to consume massive amounts of online content. Many of you are subscribed to this blog using Google Reader. So, in order for us to keep in touch, […]

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Google+ Goes Big and Bold

It is clear that Google+ is not sitting back waiting to see what Facebook does next. On the contrary, they are making bold moves. The recent redesign of Google+ promises to take it from an identity service to a true social destination that now boasts 500 million users. In the meantime, Facebook continues to roll out […]

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Benchmarks for Doing Social Media Well

There are as many ways to benchmark social media as there are companies using it, because social is a human quality that will be unique to each and every business. Today I overheard the comment; “They are doing social media well.” How do you know you are doing social media well? All media is designed […]

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A Year of Social Media Friendship

As many of us approach the close of another calendar year, we begin to look forward to starting the new year fresh. The truth is we can do that any day with our social media communities, but there is something about getting together with family and friends at this time that helps us to reflect […]

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Thank You All

It is Thanksgiving here in the United States and I’d like to thank all of you that have crossed my path, and those who will do so some time in the near future. Thank You Friends I am thankful for how social media has connected me with so many interesting people that I would not have […]

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