4 Ways to Clean Up Your Site for SEO

You already know that serving up valuable content that gets consumed and shared is the primary way to have your site ranked higher by Google – especially if those inbound links are from other sites of authority. Did you also know that Google interprets subtle signals that your site may be sending that could be […]

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Will Google+ Be an Email Killer?

What happens when you combine the world’s largest search engine and email provider on a red-hot social networking site? Google has already integrated killer search capabilities into Gmail, which accounts for approximately 38% of all email usage worldwide. Now they are inviting you to import your Gmail contacts into Google+.  In addition to that, you […]

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Whole Lotta Sharing Going On

Sharing is a human activity that is driving the social web these days. Thus, it is one that deserves your attention if you expect to be relevant in the communities you engage with and your business serves. Social Sharing and Social Graphs Anytime a link is shared on the social web it creates a node […]

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Wajam is Social Search

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have immediate access to the wisdom and expertise of your friends when you need it the most? Meet Wajam – a new search engine that serves up search results from what is shared among your social networking friends. Ever since Facebook launched the social sharing Like button in April of […]

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How to Prepare Your Business for Social Search

Is your business ready for social search? In this article I’ll reveal what you need to know and what you need to do to prepare for social search. This article (now updated) first appeared in Social Media Examiner where I am a guest blogger.  It’s another great resource for you that like this blog is focused on […]

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Blekko Search Slashes Out the Best Content

Have you searched the web for too long already and still cannot find what you are looking for? If so, upstart search engine Blekko may do the trick.  Blekko uses slashtags to get the job done.  These are tags that eliminate spammy results to bring you the most relevant content. There Are Lots of Search Engines […]

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Give Bing a Chance

Google still stands tall as the king of search – controlling nearly 65% of the market. However, Bing is giving them a run, thanks in part to their partnership with Facebook. The Future of Web Search is Social Google and Bing both understand the future of the search is going social.  Why? Because that’s where […]

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5 Ways to Make Your Blog Posts Outstanding

A great blog post respects the needs of three distinct entities. It educates and informs your audience (your subscribers and visitors), optimizes for the search engines and sufficiently energizes you so that you do a good job creating it. To accomplish this, it should address five component, including having an engaging title, content that is easy to consume, a mix of content types, being optimized for search engines, and lots of interaction.

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