Google+ Communities: Amplify Your Content In Search

This is Episode 8 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Earlier this year Social Media Examiner released an extensive social media marketing industry report that revealed learning Google+ was a top priority for businesses. One of the reasons for this is they intuitively understand Google+ impacts Google search results. However, there is a […]

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Find Your Audience: How to Grow Sales with Digital Media

This is Episode 05 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Do you often wish that media experts would just share a few of their better practices so you could adapt them to your business? Then join me and Ryan Hanley as we discuss some of the techniques he successfully used as Director of […]

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Single Serve Content for Mobile Consumers

We have previously discussed the importance of planning both the construction and deconstruction of your content. The idea is that creating great content takes time, so while you are doing that put in a little extra effort to also plan which pieces of it will be shared on, let’s say, Instagram. Content often brings to […]

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Social Media Pay to Play: When it Makes Sense

One of the important social media trends for 2014 is making financial investments in the major social media networks in order to accomplish specific objectives, otherwise known as pay to play. The key is to distinguish between an investment and expenditures that deliver little future value. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are now public companies. They […]

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Google+ Rolls Out Personal URLs for Everyone

Sometime last year Google+ began rolling out personal URLs for notable people and organizations. Just yesterday I received my invitation to do the same, and I gladly accepted. Why? The Social Web and Search are Getting Personal The implications of this are more than just shortening your Google+ URL to something that is memorable. This […]

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How to Write Web Copy That Gets a Response

There is business writing and there is writing for the web. Writing for the web is an intentional process for eliciting a response, and often a series of responses. This is why it is sometimes referred to as direct response copywriting. Your web copy should be designed to attract attention, develop a relationship with an […]

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The Power of Questions for Attracting and Engaging New Buyers

Content marketing makes your business more attractive to prospective buyers by eliminating questions that stand in the way of them engaging with your company. Thus, when thinking about selling products and services, it’s smart to first consider the most relevant questions that need to be addressed. I just recently had car graphics London ON wrap […]

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3 Facebook Hashtag Marketing Tips

The newly launched Facebook hashtags could prove to be the savior of Graph Search – the recently launched Facebook search feature. Graph Search does what it promises – returning search results based on the social graphs of your Facebook friends, fans, and followers. This means that you tend to see search results only for those […]

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Google+ Goes Big and Bold

It is clear that Google+ is not sitting back waiting to see what Facebook does next. On the contrary, they are making bold moves. The recent redesign of Google+ promises to take it from an identity service to a true social destination that now boasts 500 million users. In the meantime, Facebook continues to roll out […]

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Using LinkedIn to Attract Business

LinkedIn can help you accomplish multiple business objectives, from attracting business leads, to recruiting new talent, and discovering potential opportunities for partnering. Attraction is Alignment To get what you want in business today you need to consider the expectations of your target audience. If you are looking for talented recruits you need to know what they […]

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