How Consistent Content Marketing Builds Your Community

Does the media always deliver? Maybe not always, but they do tend to show up as scheduled. That’s one of the keys to building your community with content marketing. A business chooses when it is available for serving customers. Since content marketing is designed to provide value for prospective buyers with the intent of encouraging profitable customer actions, […]

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3 Steps to Building Your Content Marketing Mission Statement

As content marketing begins to go mainstream, it is now essential to make it better. Your business has a mission that clearly and succinctly defines why it exists. When you also develop a written mission statement for the content that drives engagement with your community, it will be easier to create more effective content. If […]

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Short Form Content: The Latest Social Media Trend

Would you like to speed up your content creation process, while concurrently making it more relevant to your audience? While Google still loves long-form magazine style content, it is certainly better to create short form content than nothing at all. However, instead of considering short-form content a compromise, recognize it for what it is. This […]

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Internet: The New Super Bowl of Marketing

The Super Bowl is an annual ritual that captures the attention of millions. This blend of entertainment is an orchestrated process of marketing the game itself, half-time show, and of course, the line-up of television advertising spots, but still entertainment online companies as adult services like use online marketing to advertise their products and get […]

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Social Media Pay to Play: When it Makes Sense

One of the important social media trends for 2014 is making financial investments in the major social media networks in order to accomplish specific objectives, otherwise known as pay to play. The key is to distinguish between an investment and expenditures that deliver little future value. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are now public companies. They […]

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How Feelings and Experiences Move Buyers to Action

Legendary sales trainer and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar often stated that selling is essentially a transference of feeling. While logic is part of our decision making equation, people are more often moved to action for emotional reasons – and that includes responding to your social media marketing. Understanding how to create contextual experiences that move people to […]

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Celebrating the Small Business Community

Tomorrow is Small Business Saturday. It’s a day that may not necessarily be on the radar of of many consumers, but it is one that is especially important for local small businesses. Small Business Saturday is an initiative that was created to bring greater awareness to the small businesses that form the foundation of the […]

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How Selling Builds Your Tribe

The practice of selling is traditionally considered a transaction or event in which there is an exchange of value between the buyer and seller, and presumably close to equal value. If selling it is indeed an event, then by definition it has to be considered an ending. No wonder most people find selling and associated […]

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The New Motivational Speaker

The business of educating, inspiring, and educating audiences can be one of the most rewarding careers when the audience gets everything they expected and more. This is the challenge for professional speakers and meeting planners These days audiences are better educated, and thanks to abundant digital and social media, have pretty much seen and heard it all. […]

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